
Hi I'm Judee- the recipe developer, photographer, author of the cookbook Easy Plant-Based Soups From Farm To Ladle and author of this blog, Gluten Free A-Z Blog . 

You can email me at:

I'm a vegan gluten-free cook. 
For many years I taught cooking classes to help families learn to incorporate more plant-based food into their daily menus. At my student's request, I developed family friendly recipes that were tasty, healthy, and quick and easy to make.

If you are looking for super easy recipes that taste great but keep your health and weight in mind, you have come to the right place. 

 I believe that maintaining good health and the road to healing is a physical, spiritual, mental journey. I believe it's important to eat the right food to make sure of getting enough enzymes, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, and thinking positive thoughts, and feeling love and acceptance. 

My Personal Journey: 
Just like many others with gluten intolerance and or Celiac disease, I struggled with unpleasant and painful digestive health issues long before I was actually diagnosed. 

Fifteen years ago when I was finally diagnosed, I had to learn how to eliminate gluten from my diet. In just one month after eliminating all gluten, my symptoms started to disappear, and I started to feel like a new person!

Eating a gluten free diet is not difficult nor unappealing. Today it's easy to find gluten free alternatives. However, simply replacing your favorite foods (crackers, cereal, bread, cookies, pasta, and other flour products) with specially marked gluten free packaged products that are found in the stores is not always a healthy answer.  

Personally, I try to avoid packaged "gluten free" commercially prepared foods because they are processed and most likely don't provide healthy enzymes that fresh food provides. In addition, they usually high in sugar and salt, low in fiber, and contain undesirable additives.

I don't believe commercially package foods are the basis of a healthy gluten-free diet (occasionally yes- as part of my regular diet- NO!) 

In an effort to eat a healthy gluten free diet, I have developed and recorded my tips, healthy naturally gluten free recipes, short-cuts and gluten free resources.  

My recipes require real food that is naturally gluten free
There are those that say that recipes that are naturally gluten free don't belong on a gluten free site or in a gluten-free cookbook. To those people I say re-educate yourself - I refuse to encourage those new to gluten-free eating to eat the same poor way of eating that got us into this mess. 

I believe that real food and naturally gluten-free food are the healthy way to eat. 

Food is my passion. Despite being gluten intolerant and busy. I strive for a healthy balanced lifestyle. It has taken me many years to develop healthy easy recipes that meet gluten free, vegetarian, vegan, and real food standards. 

On this blog I share my journey, my food and weight struggles, my discoveries, and my recipes. I hope you find ideas, resources, and recipes that will be helpful to you.

By the Way -You don't have to be gluten free to love my "normal" real food/ many paleo recipes. I promise--

Please write to me if you have any questions or suggestions.

Author: Judee Algazi

E-mail : 


  1. Hi. i just skimmed through your spring roll recipe. DId you mean 4 cloves garlic, minced (instead
    of ginger) ??? because the next ingred is ginger fingers ....

    Your de-tox soup is fabulous... I make a similar version but add 4 stalks celery, 1 large zucchini,
    4 or 5 asparagus spears (all organic, of course) and since I do not have slow cooker, I just let it simmer 4 or 5 hrs on electric cooktop. celery, zucchini and asparagus have good diuretic properties also...

    Not vegetarian, but enjoy incorporating meatless days into my week ... Thanks for you blog !

  2. I am new to your site and was checking out some of your delicious recipes. I can't get into your breakfast recipe for Rosti. It says I don't have permission.

  3. Thanks CJ.. I post 2-3 times a week. Glad to have you subscribing.

  4. Try this link

  5. I just found your page was going to subscribe to the blog to get more glutin and dairy free recipes but my brothers email came up instead I did put my email address in the right place but my brothers email came up and asked for the password do not know my brothers password and did not know how to get out of that did get a recipe for patties that have quinoa in them sounds very cool like your page, my email address is thanks can you let me know how do I change the email addess thanks bye for now do have recipes myself if you are interested.

  6. What can I use in place of coconut flour for this recipe. I have almond flour but I do not have tapioca flour. help me please.

  7. I do not have coconut flour what can I use as a replacement? I have almond flour but no tapioca flour.

  8. Judee, concerning your AI inquiry, please refer to the email I sent you for the answer.


Your comments are appreciated. I love knowing who is stopping by to read my posts! Have a great day.