Saturday, February 1, 2025

IN MY KITCHEN - Feb 2025

It's the beginning of the month so it's time for In My Kitchen sponsored by Sherry from Sherry's Kitchen. I am sharing some of the new things in my kitchen this month .

I'm starting with the heart shaped open basket above. One of my friends told me that my potatoes would last longer if I kept them in a basket and cover them with a cotton cloth... I'll keep you posted. 

Next I'm sharing these cute colorful little Turkish bowls. They are great for serving spices - not sure what else.. 

These exquisite flowers are from Ecuador. There are people in Florida who pick them up directly off the plane at the airport and then drive directly to some of the high rise condo building to sell them in the parking lot. My building has over 600 condos. They are fresh, gorgeous and last about 10 days!!! The price is right too- $20 for 2 dozen roses. I split mine up and gave some as gifts. He has about 10 colors to choose from. 

The little shot glasses are from a Turkish store in Miami. They are perfect for drinking shots or Arak ( a Middle Eastern liquor) .

Sunny Isles, Florida, where I live for the winter, is considered North Miami Beach. It is a melting pot of ethnic groups with a high percentage of Russian residents and Russian visitors. I purchased this vegetable spread in one of the Russian deli stores. I have not opened it yet. 

This beautiful spreader is made of olive wood. I bought it at a craft show from the crafter. 

Finally, I am sharing my winter squashes that sit on my counter. They last at least a month and I make one kind of squash or two every week. My favorite is the spaghetti squash. I make a very simple recipe in the air-fryer which I cook on the bake function. I cut the spaghetti squash lengthwise, scoop out the seeds, fill the cavities with spaghetti sauce and bake for 45 minutes on 400 degrees. I eat an entire half myself. 

Baked spaghetti squash with salsa


  1. I loved everything about this post. Very fun. Those bowls are groovy. Do you make dried apples at home? Could be a good snack bowl. Happy Weekend and boogie boogie. PS: The air fryer lid arrived damaged. Booooo.

    1. Thank you .. never made dried apples but I do like eating them. Sorry about the air fryer.

    2. Tim is at the market now getting organic pink ladies so we can dry more. Very fun. Thanks about the air fryer lid. Got that returned and bought a new one from a store with a door, that way it's easy returns. Be here on Monday. Cannot wait to play!!!!

  2. So many lovely things - the basket is so attractive and the Turkish dishes look perfect for nibbles. I really should try more squashes - they always look so tempting.

    1. Thank you - I do like the basket and I actually have a set of 6 of the little Turkish bowls.

  3. Out of all of the winter squash I've tried spaghetti squash is my least favorite, but it's so healthy I might try your recipe and see what I think.

  4. Oh those beautiful flowers! And I love the idea of filling the squash with red sauce.

    1. The flowers are the most beautiful roses I've ever seen and I've been on a squash kick.

  5. Love the squashes! Made so tasty by what you add to them. The bowls are pretty as are the glasse!

    1. I sometimes make the squash and then add sautéed mushrooms to the top too.

  6. As I. understand it, one important way to treat potatoes is to keep them in the dark so they sprout less aggressively. However, sometimes I have more success than other times.
    All your foods look good.
    best… mae at

    1. The humidity in Florida can be intense even in the winter. The potatoes seem to be better in lower humidity for me.

  7. I am sure you will love the avjar, but I've only had the version I've made myself. I have knives like your wooden one with the same saying. the last time I had Arak was in Jerusalem!
    Tandy (Lavender and Lime)

    1. so funny about the knife. It was made by a crafter in Phila.

  8. Those roses are so gorgeous and so well priced too! Love the little bowls and the spreader - so cute. I'm keen to know how you get on with the potatoes, please do let us know!

    1. I'm still enjoying the roses- they last about 10 days and I agree they are gorgeous .

  9. I am a great fan of squash. We use them mainly for soups, but we do have other recipes too. As for potatoes, we don’t generally store them in large quantities, so keeping them fresh is not much of an issue. Often we’ll buy just what we need for a particular meal. It’s more expensive doing it that way but it ensures the potatoes are near perfect and free from blemishes and “eyes.”

    1. That is such a good idea to buy potatoes as needed. I end up discarding a quarter of them anyway when I buy a 5 pound bag.

  10. I love making spaghetti squash the way you do. It is so delicious and not heavy or too filling. I love all of your new items in your kitchen this month, especially the Turkish bowls. I keep my potatoes in a wire mesh basket with an apple. The apple is supposed to keep the potatoes longer. I do believe it works. Have a great week!!

    1. I used to do the apple hack and totally forgot about it. Thanks for the reminder.

  11. Love the two Turkish bowls...and that olive wood spreader is great too.

  12. Some lovely things in your kitchen :)
    I do like the two Turkish bowls, the colours are lovely.

    Have a happy February.

    All the best Jan

    1. The Turkish bowls are just 2 out of my set of 6.. Each unique

  13. Those Turkish bowls are so pretty.

  14. Your kitchen is lovely, as are the blooms!

  15. I make squash like that too. It makes a delicious evening meal. I love your new potato basket. Let us know if it works!

    1. I'll keep you posted on the potatoes

  16. I love your colorful Turkish bowls and heart basket. I think I'd roast butternut squash more often if I didn't think I might not cut off my hand trying to cut it in half!

    1. I totally understand about the squash- it's no joke to cut.

  17. Did you grow those squashes? amazing! I love spaghetti squash but somehow we haven't had it this year. I'm going to go out and look for one today!

  18. Your spaghetti squash dish looks so yummy. I use a basket for my onions and potatoes...they do keep longer. and wow...that is an awesome price on the roses...they are so pretty. don't you just love having fresh flowers in your home? I enjoy having them out..just lifts my spirits. Thought I would answer your question here. We live in East Texas, where the weather can be bright and sunny and by afternoon, COLD and rainy. Have a wonderful Tuesday...

  19. that is a sweet basket and i like the colorful bowls!! i am very curious about the potatoes...i have googled it several times in the past and always read, cool, dry, dark spot. never in the refrigerator!

    i love spaghetti fact i LOVE all squashes and all pastas!!

    1. potatoes are a mystery to keep from sprouting . It's super tough in Florida

  20. I love the Turkish bowls and the shot glasses. It may not be a worry, but i have a beautiful Turkish bowl which i was going to use for food but apparently they often use a lead-based paint or something similar so not actually foodsafe. Just something to watch out for.

    1. Thanks for that info Sherry. I kind of wondered about that.

  21. I love your heart basket, colorful bowls, and gorgeous roses! I hope the basket helps with your potatoes. Also, that's really interesting about the roses. I'm intrigued about what other colors they come in! 🌈💙🌹

    1. These roses are unusual and special

  22. What fun kitchen items. The heart basket is so pretty as are those Turkish dishes and glasses. Those flowers are stunning. That veggie spread sounds interesting and I love the little spreader. I love spaghetti squash made that way as well. I do Mexican bake one as well.

  23. That's a great deal on the fresh flowers! I love using those little bowls for dipping sauces like ranch or hummus. I like how colorful they are. They would look pretty in my blue kitchen.


Your comments are appreciated. I love knowing who is stopping by to read my posts! Have a great day.
