Monday, August 12, 2024

Grocery Store Shopping Ain't For Sissies

There is something new in our supermarkets/grocery store and it's really frustrating me!

Free Furious Upset photo and picture

Is anyone else having problems/frustration checking out at the grocery store ? Maybe it is only me BUT I'm beginning to feel like my 95 year old mother-in-law who couldn't learn to use her iPad  (she should rest in peace). 

Free Hand Human photo and picture

( The photos are not me or my mother-in-law-)

Free Grapes Fruit photo and picture

Here's my story. Grapes were on sale for $1.29 pound - Yay! 

When I went to check out, I was told I needed a digital coupon to receive the advertised sale price of $1.29 a pound for the grapes. Otherwise the regular price was $3.99 a pound for the grapes if I could not produce  the digital coupon on my phone.
Free Cashier Groceries illustration and picture

"How do you get a digital coupon," I asked? 

I was told I would need to download the grocery store App, learn to use the various options on the app, find the digital coupons, go through a list of them, check the ones I wanted digitally, wait anywhere from 5-15 minutes (depending the wireless reception in the store) for them to download and then scan my grapes and check out. 

I wanted the grapes, but I did not want to learn to use the app. I was frustrated and the 35 year old workers, or maybe they were 20 years old, were impatient with me which made me want to scream.

Free App Icon illustration and picture

How difficult/stressful do they have to make it to get the sale price!!! 

 I left the store (without the grapes) so I could get into an area of  better reception to downloaded the "app" on my phone. 

Reluctantly, I figured it (the app) out, spent time learning to navigate that damn app and sat there and went through about 20 digital coupons before I found the digital coupon for grapes. I selected and checked off that coupon and any others that I thought I would use so the digital coupons would have had enough time to download before I checked out when I went back. 

Finally,  I was armed digitally, but angry. How hard would it be to just get the special sale price without having to do "work" before I get to the grocery store???? Is this our future? Do you have digital coupons in your grocery stores?
In addition, (and what is probably bothering me the most) is that it's hard for me to see all the small stuff on my phone and my nails are kind of long and it's difficult for me to navigate the app without pressing the wrong buttons. Do I need to cut my nails to get the sale price ?

Free Iphone Look Up photo and picture

 I need to remember to downloaded the app for the other two grocery stores that I frequent and follow their directions which are different to get their digital special prices when I shop in their stores. 

AND don't forget to make sure you phone is charged at all times or honey you won't be getting any of the sales in supermarkets anymore !! Digital Digital Digital 

That means if I just run into a store last minute for a few items and don't have my coupons checked off on the app-no sale prices for me!!

Free Smartphone Cell Phone vector and picture

Is anyone else pissed about this? Is it just me? Does anyone even know what I'm talking about?????

At Whole Foods I only need to scan my app when I check out and just scanning the app will give me any sale prices - I'm ok with that. But I'm not ok  with having to go through the entire app to check off the coupons I plan to use or it doesn't give it to me even if I scan the app. 

I just wanted to rant/vent. I guess I just have to GET WITH IT!!!

On another note: 
Check out my 10 great easy summer recipes (link) that are some of my favorites for using summer produce. Click the link for photos and the recipes. 

Fruit Basket, Garden, Vegetables

Here are pics of a few of the recipes.
Here is the link for the recipes : 10 easy summer recipes (link to recipes)

tabooleh salad , gluten free, vegan

Rice with avocado and spices
mango peach salsa, gluten-free, vegan,
frozen kiwi mojito
mushroom vegan burger, black beans,


  1. I'm with you! I have three store apps on my phone. None of them are intuitive, and it's impossible to search for a specific coupon.

    If I see a great deal when the stores send out their weekly flyers I will go to their website and download any coupons from my computer.

  2. I'm glad it's not just me. I guess we have to learn the ropes for this new age of technology if we want to participate.

  3. That's a very usual practice. You go to LIDL...some items are cheaper, but only if you used their APP to scan and get the discount. I don't use cellar phone, so I don't buy them. It's a bit ridiculous that you need to search the coupons though. I still have a couple of shops memberships card and I use them quite often.

  4. What?? No phone?? You need to blog about that Angie.. I would love hear why you do not have a cell phone.. I thought the cell phone is no longer a luxury but a necessity to be able to function in this world. Do tell!!

    1. I don't have or want a cell phone I am a senior don't need one or the expense. I rather do things on my desk top computer instead of a looking at a tiny phone screen I am probably no the norm but that's ok

  5. One store that I visit has the app and once you scan it, you receive all of the discounts. The other store has the app and gives discounts but you also have to download any of the digital coupons that you want to use or you do not get the lowest price. I found that doing it on my laptop before I go to the store works much better than the app. No, I do not like it either but it is the only way to pay less.

    1. Lori, it is easier for me to do things on my computer. I'll have to get into a new habit!!

  6. Yes, I'm pissed about it too. My Kroger has that. It's not enough to have their sale store card that they scan (and those discounts are pretty good) but then they have the digital ones on top of it. I figure it just isn't worth it. I hate carrying my phone everywhere and the mechanics of having all that downloaded makes me crazy. Nope. I'm with you -- I see it everywhere and I hate it!

    1. Jeanie, I'm glad it isn't just me!!

  7. No it is not just you! We have that here in TX, but I will say the store personal are great to help!

    1. It depends on the person. I find the real young ones helpful. It's the 40 and 50 year olds that have no tolerance and won't help.

  8. Food looks good. Have you tried Aldi for grapes. Good price and not app needed. I have what's called a quiet phone so ZERO internet apps and I've no interest in digital coupons. It's just more clutter for my phone. I get it though, many enjoy those digital coupons. Have you tried Grocery Outlet? I haven't yet. Getting one in our area though. But back to Aldi. I got their organic grapes and they are soooo good right now. Then they have less expensive grapes. No coupons. No phone. No clutter. It's heaven.

    1. Yes, I love Aldi grapes (and other things too) but Aldi is not convenient or close by. We usually go there every 2 or 3 weeks.

    2. I get that, if it's not easy to get to that makes it more difficult for sure.

  9. Shop at the market and limit your supermarket visits, and you'll support local producers.

    1. Good point and I do get a lot of produce from local farmers.

  10. By the way it still doesn't exists in France. :-)

  11. I really do have empathy for what you just had to endure. Stores could certainly do a better job of making coupons easier to use... maybe they don't want to! I actually miss those cheesy paper coupons I could print or that came in the newspaper.

    1. I know- I often wonder if they really want me to use them.

  12. I don't use cell phones-don't need one I am almost 75 years old and no one to call so I am thinking I don't need or want one. They have this here too-digital coupons sad they are leaving out some of their customers

    1. I really do think it discriminates against seniors!

  13. I can understand your frustration.
    I think most stores use apps so they can track customers' buying habits.

    I don't have any store apps on my phone.

    1. You might be right about the tracking.

  14. Grocery stores are often frustrating to me! I've learned they can be tricky (whether on purpose or accidentally) when giving the same price / sale for all flavours within one brand but one! That constantly happens with ice cream brands. When in doubt, I take a photo of price tag so no one is arguing with me lol But the worst part for me when huge supermarkets change product isles every now and then - I guess they need to mix up things as their marketing strategy. But it's so frustrating when you cannot locate things you've been picking from their previous location for months!

    1. I'm so with you Ben! I hate when they move things around and it takes me twice as long to shop or there is a discrepancy about the current price and we have to go back and check and take even more time!

  15. WoW!!! everything looks so good!! and yes, we have digital coupons and now i have another app on my phone. i have way too many apps!! i have complained in a very nice way, how in the world do they expect older peeps with flip phones to do this. just give me the damn sale price. good for us that we are able to use iphones and apps but i feel bad for those who don't!!

    1. I agree!! I guess it is an older peeps thing!!

  16. The digital coupons are brutal. My husband always has them. I wouldn’t get any sale items f he wasn’t with me. There are people who don’t have cell phones too.

    1. It's crazy - I have the same issue with paying for parking. You gotta have an app now to park your car.

  17. One store I shop at has vouchers on the App and I just load all of them. Then if I scan my loyalty card they are all applied. The ones that have hard work involved I don't bother with.
    Tandy | Lavender and Lime

    1. That's a good idea just to load them all.

  18. That does sound so frustrating; we have one store near us that I use ALL the time because their prices are already lower than everyone else and they don't require store loyalty cards or anything to get all their sale prices. I hope that won't change over time...

    1. The only store that we have like that is Aldi and Trade Joe's. They do not require digital coupons or membership cards and are more reasonable in general.

  19. It's crackers and makes life very hard for those who cannot cope with smart 'phones or have arthritic fingers or impaired vision. It's a step too far and I wonder just who it is supposed to help. I suspect it's all part of a grander plan to help with stock management.

    1. You are so right. The phone is difficult for me to maneuver small details such as finding each digital coupon. -

  20. I agree digital coupons stink. Just give me a sales price please.

    1. That's just how I feel Carol!!

  21. Those recipes sure look summery and healthy! As far as the app...yes it is frustrating and yet we must "jump through hoops" to get the savings. It's all about marketing and gathering data on what we buy. andrea

    1. You are probably right about the marketing and gathering data.

  22. I hear you. "Frustrated" is very polite description of the way I feel sister!

  23. I hear you. "Frustrated" is very polite word to describe the way I feel sister!

    1. Sounds like we are all on the same page!!

  24. I so agree with you about the digital coupons! What a pain! It's not fair to charge a different price depending on whether you have the app or not.
    Jenna from the Painted Apron

    1. And some stores have regular coupons and digital !

  25. Hi... yep... I agree, frustrating.
    Thank you for the recipes. :-)

    1. You are welcome- they are some of my summer favorite recipes.

  26. I feel your frustration 100%. I've stopped buying anything that requires a digital coupon when I do a quick run into the store. For some reason, I'll clip it and it still doesn't come off the bill, but if I do an online buy and in-store pickup, it works. So frustrating! I don't have the time or patience for that nonsense anymore. And I'm sick of having an app for every dang store I shop at. It's all getting to be too much. I hate this digital era.

    1. Wow! I really thought it was just me ! Seems a lot of people feel the same way I do.

  27. It's so frustrating because it seems like every store has their own app that requires you to create an account. I even have one for the pet store because that's the only way to be eligible for coupons and discounts. It's definitely not a user-friendly option for everyone and I wish they'd just honor it if it's advertised!

  28. I am right there with you at being annoyed with grocery stores. I get the technology, I have the app, I’ve gotten the digital coupons, but I’ve also found that they don’t always work. I am not going to pay top dollar for something when I have gone through the trouble of selecting the digital coupon. In my case, the particular market that I shop at has you do all of this online using your own personal account. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. It’s all so frustrating.

  29. That's way too much work to go through for the grapes. It wasn't that much of a price difference. I have had similar situations before at a craft store, when you can give them your discount at the register. Unfortunately, I don't take a phone around with me when shopping. But they are pretty good about helping me and adjusting their prices. The green drink looks refreshing.


  30. Oh, this is so frustrating! The husband does the grocery shopping for us (I've always hated it), but I was recently at CVS and couldn't figure out where to drop my coupon at the self check-out. So I bought something without getting it on sale, which was very disappointing. I've since found the (admittedly lit up!) coupon slot drop, but as a bargain lover who also hates to feel like a fool (and really, who doesn't?), I feel your pain. 😬


Your comments are appreciated. I love knowing who is stopping by to read my posts! Have a great day.
