Friday, August 30, 2024

Grilling Corn Plus 7 Recipes To Make The Most of Corn Season

Grilled Corn Cob

It's corn season. The end of August begins to signal the end of summer, but it is not the end of summer produce. In fact the farmer's markets, local farms, and backyard gardens are  bursting with the end of summer's bounty - especially corn on the cob!! It' now at its height.

There is nothing like fresh corn on the cob right from the farm. It is sweet, tender, and packed with flavor, and there are so many ways to enjoy it! I hope you will try some of my recipes that I'm sharing today.

sign saying : Corn is Here

In addition to munching it "raw" directly off the cob (if you haven't tried it - you gotta), I like fresh cut off the cob corn in salads, salsas, as a topping in soup, and other recipes. 

corn kernels cut off the corn on the cob

When you buy produce from local farms, you're not only supporting nearby farmers but also getting produce that hasn’t been sitting in storage for weeks.

Simple and Delicious Recipe: Grilled Corn on the Cob

Grilled corn on the cob is a summer classic and an easy way to bring out the corn’s natural sweetness. Here's a simple recipe to make the most of this seasonal treat:

Corn Cob photo and picture


  • Fresh corn on the cob (shucked and cleaned)
  • Salt (to taste)
  • Optional: Lemon juice, herbs, or spices for extra flavor


  1. Preheat the Grill: Heat your grill to medium-high. If using a charcoal grill, ensure the coals are hot and spread evenly.

  2. Prepare the Corn: Shuck the corn and remove all the silk. Soak the corn in water for about 10-15 minutes before grilling. This helps to keep the corn moist and adds a bit of steam during cooking.

  3. Grill the Corn: Place the corn directly on the grill grates. Turn the corn occasionally, cooking for about 10-15 minutes, or until the kernels are tender and have some nice char marks. The soaking step will help prevent burning and keep the corn juicy.

  4. Season and Serve: Remove the corn from the grill. Sprinkle with a little salt to taste. For added flavor, you can squeeze a bit of lemon juice over the corn or sprinkle with your favorite herbs or spices like paprika, chili powder, or garlic powder.

Optional Topping Ideas:

  • Lemon Juice: Adds a bright, tangy flavor.
  • Herbs: Fresh herbs like parsley, cilantro, or chives can be chopped and sprinkled on top.
  • Spices: Experiment with spices such as cumin, paprika, or chili powder for a different twist.

For Off-the-Cob: After grilling, let the corn cool slightly. Use a sharp knife to carefully cut the kernels off the cob. Toss the kernels with a bit of salt and your choice of seasoning, or add them to salads, salsas, or other dishes.

This oil-free approach lets the natural flavors of the corn come through and is a healthy alternative that’s just as delicious without any added fat.

Corn Contains Antioxidants and Phytochemicals:

  • Lutein and Zeaxanthin: These antioxidants are beneficial for eye health and can help protect against age-related macular degeneration.
  • Ferulic Acid: An antioxidant that may help reduce inflammation.

Health Benefits

  1. Good Source of Fiber: The dietary fiber in corn aids in digestion and may help maintain healthy bowel movements.
  2. Rich in Vitamins: Corn provides essential vitamins such as Vitamin C and B vitamins, which are important for immune function, energy metabolism, and overall health.
  3. Antioxidant Properties: The antioxidants in corn help combat oxidative stress within the body.
Free Gmo Science photo and picture

Be Aware: The Impact of Genetically Modified Corn

While enjoying fresh corn, it’s important to consider the source of your produce. Genetically modified (GMO) corn seeds have been genetically engineered to resist pests and herbicides, but this process may impact our health in a negative way:

  1. Health Concerns: Some studies suggest that GMO grown foods may have potential health risks, including allergic reactions, long-term harmful effects on the body, and may be difficult for some people to digest causing uncomfortable digestion issues. 

  2. Environmental Impact: GM corn often requires more chemical inputs, such as herbicides, which can harm local ecosystems and reduce biodiversity and be harmful to bees that are essential for vegetation.

    Organic Organic Food photo and picture

    Choosing Non-GMO Alternatives

To avoid these issues, consider opting for non-GMO, organic corn from local organic farms. Organic farming avoids and or limits the use of synthetic pesticides and herbicides. Plus, organic often tastes better because it’s grown with care and attention to soil health. If corn doesn't say NON-GMO- it is almost always genetically modified.

When shopping, look for certifications like “Non-GMO Project Verified” or “Certified Organic” to ensure you’re getting corn that’s been grown without genetic modifications. My local farmer's market has organic farm stands with organic corn that is non-GMO

corn and blueberry salad,

Try some of my fresh corn recipes

Mexican Corn and Bean Bake (contains cheese)  - this was one of my favorites before I stopped eating dairy. Can be made with vegan cheese. 

Made with fresh uncooked corn cut right off the cob

My Notes: 
1. My gluten-free vegetarian blog has changed, but remains gluten-free. It became vegan and oil-free in 2022. The recipes prior to 2022 may contain cheese/dairy and or oil. You can substitute vegan cheese in recipes and omit the oil. 

Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor and am not trying to diagnose disease or give medical advice. Always consult your medical doctor for medical advice and before making changes to your diet. The information on this blog is striclty for educational purposes only. 


  1. Those freshly grilled corns look lovely even though I don't eat them.

  2. I enjoyed reading all about corn! I didn't realize it was so healthy. I appreciate your instructions on how to grill it. I've only tried once and burned it. Now I know to soak it first. andrea

    1. Yes, the soaking in water helps to hydrate it and let it kind of steam better on the grill.

  3. So good this time of year. Always a hit with the kids too.

    1. Corn on the cob seems to be a favorite of both kids and adults.

  4. Angie- I know that there are many vegetables you are not able to eat. Are you able to eat all the recipes that you post ?

  5. I like corn in all its manifestations. I fancy some right now:-)

    1. I only love it in the summer when its fresh.

  6. There's nothing corn on the cob.....and drizzled with butter, even better. I've never nibbled on raw corn on the cob before, sounds interesting.

    I hope you have wonderful September days coming up.


    1. I think you would like it. It's sweet, tender, and crunchy

  7. Oh I am loving these recipes! We've been getting lots of corn in our CSA boxes and I'm looking for new ways to enjoy it.

    1. The recipes are easy! Let me know if you try one!!

  8. these are some awesome ideas and some great recipes for corn on the cob. our jersey corn has been delicious this year and we have eaten it at least 2x's per week!! enjoy the rest of the long weekend!!

    1. I know! Nothing beats Jersey corn!

  9. Grilled corn is one of main late summer's highlights to me - so simple yet tasty! And the list of corn recipes is impressive, I've particularly intrigued by the combo of corn and mint as it sounds new to me.

    1. I love making recipes with corn in the summer months.

  10. A coincidence, but my DIL told me they enjoyed corn on the cob today.

    All the best Jan

  11. We do not grow GMO corn in South Africa so that's never an issue here. We grill ours in the husk with butter and salt and that's my favourite way to eat it if cooked.
    Tandy | Lavender and Lime

    1. Wow Tandy. You are so fortunate. GMO products can be hard on the digestion and there are studies that it may be one reason that so many people are developing allergies.

  12. Nothing beats Summer corn. Aren’t you in New Jersey? Nothing beats Jersey corn, I remember that from when Jim and I used to visit his family in New Jersey. The corn and tomatoes were incredible. I love the idea of adding a squeeze of lemon. I’m going to remember that the next time I grill corn. I also like the combination with blueberries. Both are on sale at the market this week, I’m going to add them to my list.

  13. Your recipe sounds delicious. 😋
    I’m excited to try the Fresh Corn and Blueberry Salad – such a unique idea!
    I also appreciate the tip on choosing non-GMO, organic corn.
    Thanks for the tasty recipes and tips!


Your comments are appreciated. I love knowing who is stopping by to read my posts! Have a great day.
