Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Vitamin C For Glowing Skin

Is it possible that your skin may need additional Vitamin C? Are you getting enough vitamin C in your diet to combat the drying effects of exposure to the sun or skin aging in general? 

Fruit Tropical Fruit photo and picture

The Superpowers of Vitamin C For Aging Skin

When we think of Vitamin C, we usually think of boosting immunity for the common cold. But did you know that this powerhouse nutrient is equally as important for glowing skin,  preventing sunburn, and skin rejuvenation? 

With the summer sun exposure or even staying indoors in heat or air-conditioning, consuming vitamin C may be more important than ever. 

Children Beach photo and picture

Vitamin C- The Sunburn Savior

Adding more Vitamin C rich fruits and vegetables to your diet may actually help protect somewhat from summer sunburn and skin damage. 

It makes sense.  Known for its antioxidant properties, Vitamin C helps to neutralize free radicals caused by UV exposure, reducing inflammation and redness. It can even assist in repairing damaged skin cells, and speeding up the healing process. Eating more Vitamin C rich foods or taking Vitamin C supplements may provide that extra layer of defense against sun damage, helping to keep your skin looking more youthful and healthy. 

Beach Sand photo and picture

Vitamin C For Skin Damage Repair

Beyond sunburns, our skin also needs protection against pollution, stress, and aging. Vitamin C supports collagen production, a protein essential for maintaining skin strength and elasticity. By stimulating collagen synthesis, Vitamin C may help firm up the skin and may reduce the appearance of some wrinkles and fine lines. 

Over time, regular use of Vitamin C topical serums and consuming vitamin C rich fruits and vegetables may result in smoother, more radiant skin that looks and feels rejuvenated. 

Free Honeydew Melon Melon photo and picture

Which Summer Fruits & Vegetables Are Highest In Vitamin C ?

While most fruit and vegetables contain some vitamin C, the following fruits and vegetables have very significant amounts: 

  • Mango
  • Pineapple
  • Papaya
  • Kiwi
  • Cantaloupe
  • Oranges (and all citrus )
  • Red peppers
  • Broccoli
  • Strawberries

Vitamin C For Achieving Glowing Skin

One of the most valauable benefits of Vitamin C is its ability to help promote glowing, radiant skin. As mentioned earlier, Vitamin C supports collagen production, which is essential for maintaining skin elasticity and firmness to help reduce appearance of wrinkles and contribute to a smoother complexion.  

Moreover, Vitamin C may help to brighten the skin by inhibiting melanin production. Melanin is responsible for pigmentation and can lead to dark spots and uneven skin tone. Vitamin C may help fade dark spots and enhance overall skin brightness because it helps regulate melanin production.

Vitamin C Is Also An Immune System Booster

Lemon Ginger photo and picture

Of course, vitamin C  also supports our immune system. It enhances the production of white blood cells, which are key to fighting off infections. During cold and flu season, ensuring you have a good  intake of Vitamin C-rich foods or supplements may help reduce the severity and duration of a bout of cold or flu. But remember, maintaining a steady intake throughout the year can provide ongoing benefits for your immune health in general. Zinc and Vitamin D are also well known and essential immune system boosters.  Try this homemade Vitamin C super drink for colds or flu- recipe link here 

Why Vitamin C Is So Important For Your Whole Body?

It is versatile and actually multitasks within the body. Besides its wonderful benefits to the skin and immune system, it also helps in the absorption of iron from plant-based foods, which is vital for preventing iron deficiency anemia. 

In general, vitamin C protects cells from damage caused by free radicals. This protective role extends beyond the skin, benefiting overall health and is thought to help reduce the risk of some chronic diseases.

My Notes:  

When it comes to topical skincare, look for organic serums or creams containing stabilized forms of Vitamin C, such as ascorbic acid or sodium ascorbyl phosphate. These skin serums are designed to penetrate the skin and deliver maximum topical benefits.

 Recipes For Vitamin C Rich Foods: 

Six Mango Recipes To Celebrate Mango Day  (link to recipes)

mango on a plateSun 

The Role Of Tropical Fruits And Sun Protection (link to recipes)

tropical fruits on a platter

Cool Off With Vitamin C Fruit Infused Water  (link to recipes)

Fruit infused vitamin water

Do you take vitamin C supplements? What is your skin routine?


  1. I have never been able to take vitamin C tablets. They make my mouth blister. It started when I was young and continues to this day.

  2. All of these fruits are making me hungry. I avoid the sun since having heat stroke but make sure I have vitamin C daily along with D and K2. I eat plenty of fruit and greens and drink a lot of water.

  3. My husband loves and eats tons of fruits, but his skin is just so so...well, it could have been worse if he didn't eat so much fruit..

  4. I have some of those Vitamin C foods just about every day.

  5. That was so informative. I never have been fond of sun-worshiping so I don't get exposed to the harmful rays much. I don't take vitamin C but I just cut up a huge cantaloupe to eat for breakfast and I have a bunch of cementines in the fridge. Maybe that will help.

  6. Vitamin C is so important for so many reasons. I take a supplement every day. I really like Flavecity's Vitamin C supplement - it's derived from superfoods, not ascorbic acid. What are some of your favorite Vitamin C skincare products?

  7. Important information, thanks Judee!
    Jenna from the Painted Apron

  8. Hello Judee, thank you for your sweet visit. Vitamin C is so needed everyday. Lovely post sharing the benefits of Vitamin c. Happy week.

  9. Hello Judee. Thank you for all of this wonderful information...and for stopping by my blog today.
    Thank you for the idea of the Vitamin C fruit infused water! What a great idea!

  10. I’ve always been curious about how to incorporate it effectively into my skincare routine.
    Your tips on avoiding common mistakes are super helpful.
    I’m excited to try out some of your recommendations and see the difference for myself.

    Happy Thursday, Judee!

  11. thanks for sharing some great information. i'm not sure my skin will ever glow...as a teen we baked in the sun. i did not know/realize how bad it was for my skin!!

  12. I don't take vitamin c supplements but we eats lots of fresh fruit-- pineapple, mandarin oranges, strawberries daily as well as having broccoli and peppers a few times a week. My husband love lemon water but I tend to drink mine plain.


Your comments are appreciated. I love knowing who is stopping by to read my posts! Have a great day.
