Sunday, July 28, 2024

Traveling on Frontier Airlines

Free Jet Plane photo and picture

As many of you know, we are snowbirds traveling between Florida and home (border of NJ and Pennsylvania) during the winter. Mercer County Airport ( Trenton, NJ) is a 10 minute drive from home and our airport of choice whenever possible. We usually fly Frontier until.......Find out why we no longer use Frontier

Free Beach Miami Beach photo and picture

Frontier has flights directly from Trenton (Mercer County Airport) to Fort Lauderdale which we have been using for 10 years to fly back home during the winter months for holidays and family occasions. 

Many many of our friends and family have warned us not to use Frontier Airlines because they have found them  unreliable and their flight times are very limited. They say, "If your flight is cancelled or delayed, you need to wait a day or two for another flight." My sister-in-law has had a flight cancelled last minute on a few occasions. 


Free Flight Delay photo and picture

I have to say that in the 10 years that we have been flying Frontier, we never had an issue- 

Until now!!

We have a trip planned to Hilton Head for the first week in September! We were lucky to find a reasonable air fare on Frontier from Philadelphia (40 minutes away) to Savannah. The flight was due to take off around 10:00 AM which was perfect. 

Free Spanish Moss Epiphyte photo and picture

Last week, a month after booking, we received a notice that our flight time was changed to 6:00 Am. We were not happy because that meant we needed to get up at 3:00 AM and be at the airport by 4:30 AM. Not happy. 

Free Character Unhappy illustration and picture

Then a few days after that notice, we received a new notice saying that our flight had been CANCELLED, and they have no other flights that day or even any day that week. 

WHAT??? We were dumfounded! They gave no reason! 
We had to quickly find another airline to get us to Savannah. We did find one that still had seats, but at twice the price at that point. 

Free question who how illustration

Do you or would you use Frontier? What has been your experience? Please share.


  1. That is disgraceful. Is the airline about to go out of business?

  2. There is always a risk when you book on the low cost airlines that this will happen. I prefer to book on an airline that has frequent flights to our destination so that a cancellation only affects us by a night at the most, which has happened in the past.

  3. How awful! Will you get a refund, or will the funds be applied to a future flight?

  4. Oh no. I have never flown Frontier but I have flown Spirit which is another airline that I would steer clear of.

  5. Yikes. Sounds terrible! I've flown Frontier once -- decades ago. The fight was so harrowing I still remember it, even though I don't remember much of the trip!

  6. We have never used Frontier to fly. We recently flew to Maine ...leaving Pittsburgh International on Jet Blue and then coming home we flew from Boston on Delta. Both of those were chosen because they gave us direct non stop flights to our destinations. We had excellent service with Jet Blue, but was a bit disappointed with Delta for a variety of reasons.

  7. wow...i have never heard of this, i have never flown with frontier. we use newark airport and united airlines and have never had a problem. my son is in the air right now, the husband is picking him up. his flight boarded on time and will be landing early. everyone complains about newark but we have never had a problem. and they have updated the airport now...terminal a, it looks amazing!! and i may be mia while he is here, maybe, he has some things he is doing on his own so i am not sure!!


Your comments are appreciated. I love knowing who is stopping by to read my posts! Have a great day.
