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Sunday, May 26, 2024

Home From Our Cruise and Extended Vacation in London and Paris-

I'm back!! And our adventurous three and half week vacation transatlantic cruise and time in London and Paris was wonderful!

Despite my concerns about spending 8 straight days at sea before making stops in Ireland, Portugal, and Belgium, the 14 day transatlantic cruise was fabulous and went by very quickly! Why? Read on

Daily Lectures: 
There was so much to do everyday starting with morning lectures by college professors who were off for the summer and employed by the cruise line as cruise lecturers (for the summer in Europe).  

John Bailey Artist from Miami

Our favorite daily lecturer was a passionate college professor from Miami who brought history and art alive!

John William Bailly is a French–American artist born in 1968 in Slough, UK based in Lyon and Miami. He received his MFA in painting and printmaking from Yale University, and has been a Faculty Fellow of the Honors College at Florida International University since 2004. His work explores history and culture, with an emphasis on the Transatlantic dialogue. His paintings explore the question of how we are who we are in relation to history, place, and culture. (taken from his website)

Free Ai Generated Cappuccino illustration and picture

Coffee Shop: 

After the lecture or lectures in the morning, we would visit the cafe for a decaf cappuccino or decaf latte with another couple or two and discuss the lecture. So much fun!!

buffet on a cruise ship


Although there were several elegant dining rooms offering lunch daily, we usually frequented the enormous lunch buffet, boasting a vast number of choices that accommodated most dietary preferences. 

The beautiful buffet included extensive salad bars, pizza and pasta stations (complete with gluten-free alternatives), sandwich counters, and dedicated sections for Indian and Asian cuisines, among others. Personally, I didn't explore meat, fish and chicken offerings.

man eating lunch

After piling up a hefty plate of food, my husband and I would meet on the outdoor deck to enjoy our lunch in the beautiful light breeze and breathtaking ocean view. 


The afternoon ship activity schedule could keep you as busy as you like with planned activities, music, games, etc. or you could choose to read a book, relax around the pool, go to the gym, walk the designated walking path, play ping pong or pickel ball, play cards, shmooz, get a massage in the spa, watch a movie or explore the many gift shops on the ship. 

Free Book Read photo and picture


I read 4 books while traveling (on the cruise, plane, trains, etc.) 

The Women -Kristin Hannah (exploration into the women heros of the Vietnam War and the prejudice against women and the struggles and challenges after returning from war. )

The Four Winds- Kristin Hannah -story of an Italian American family devastated by the extreme drought and dust bowls that forced them to leave  their farm and home and barely survive as migrant workers in California while enduring poverty, homelessness, starvation, illness, and rejection and prejudice.

Leaving Eastern Parkway - Matthew Daub - takes the reader into the world of Hasidic Jews in Crown Heights, New York. Story of a young 15 year old teenager forced to fend for himself after the accident/death of his parents. He is challenged to make decisions that conflict with his upbringing and beliefs during his efforts to survive. Guilt, fear, and injustice are themes. 

The Fortune Teller of Katmandu -Ann Bennett - takes place in the UK and India. Multigenerational stories are intertwined in this interesting story about the secrets of they all share. Wartime WW11 

I enjoyed them all. 
Kristen Hannah is one of my favorite authors. 
I tend to read historical fiction and often read on my iPad.  

Free Ipad Tablet photo and picture

 I  returned late Friday night to Miami Beach, and I am still feeling jet-lagged with a 5 hour time difference from Paris. I woke up at 4:40 this morning thinking it was time to get up.. I'm sure I'll be tired later.

The weather is gorgeous- sunny and 85 degrees in Miami Beach!  That's it for now- I'm heading for the beach! 

More in the next post... 


  1. Awesome that you had a great time! But home is the best, isn't it?

    1. We are happy to be back in Miami. but now we still need to drive 20 hours to Pennsylvania for the summer.

  2. It sounds wonderful! Glad you had a great time!

  3. It sounds that you had a wonderful time.

    All the best Jan

    1. Jan, it was wonderful. I just want to mention how much I enjoy your blog postings

  4. The past couple of cruises I went on had little 'at sea' time. I missed it.

    1. A balance of sea time and excursions is nice.

  5. Sounds like you had a great trip. Do you use that iPad stand while you read?
    Tandy | Lavender and Lime https://tandysinclair.com

    1. Hi Tandy- no didn't use it at all..

  6. Wow, this sounds wonderful, what a fabulous idea, and great to be able to go on a vacation like that. Glad you enjoyed it. London is my hometown, I miss it a lot.hugs, Valerie

    1. I had never been to London and I must say that I loved it especially the food choices for vegetarians and gluten-free. Love all your artwork.

  7. Your cruise does sound wonderful Judee, and how nice they had lots of gluten free options for you. Glad you're home safely, and Happy Memorial Day!

    1. Yes, the gluten-free options were a blessing.

  8. It looks like a wonderful cruise, beautiful, delicious and educational, too. I would love the lectures. I'm eager to hear about visits to Paris and London, too of my favorite places (I still have my England/Paris links from 2018 on my blog menu and really need to change those but it's amazing how often I refer back to them!) Eager to hear what you saw and loved.

    1. We loved all the museums in London and personally I loved the vegetarian food!

  9. I love this post and hearing about how wonderful the cruise was. Thanks for the book summaries! I will definitely put some of these books on my reading lists! Welcome home ❤️

    1. Yes, the books were all enjoyable

  10. welcome home! I love this post and telling us all about your cruise and the pictures too. It sounded like an amazing time. I will definitely put some of those books on my reading list. I really appreciate the summaries.❤️

    1. Thanks Danielle.. yes the books were worth reading.

  11. This is one of the best "Trip Posts" ever! Welcome home, and thank you for the information! I have always thought it would be wonderful to do a cruise like you did! I may have to message you someday for details!

    1. Thank you so much Billie Jo.

  12. What a wonderful vacation you had! Sounds like such a fun and entertaining time. Your lunch buffets look delicious, with an assortment of dishes. I'm glad you're back safe and sound, and you have this terrific travel adventure you can always look back on.


    1. Yes, as we are getting older we are grateful we feel well enough to travel.

  13. What a wonderful trip! I'm so glad that you did so well with all the time on the boat, and that you got a chance to relax and read. I also love your lipstick! 🚢💄🌍

    1. Thanks its my favorite lipstick and I think it really pops on me.

  14. Hi Judee. I'm trying again to comment. For some reason they're not going through. Your trip looks fantastic. How relaxing. Kristin Hannah is my favorite author. Her older books are very good but over the last five or six years they've been amazing. I recommend Winter Garden and The Great Alone also. They were two of my favorites. Here's hoping this goes through.

  15. Your vacation sounds fabulous. The professor on the cruise would certainly keep me interested. I'm green with envy.

    1. Thanks Carol. The professor was a passionate amazing teacher.

  16. I love that you had art appreciation lectures! I wish I could get a job doing that!

    1. Yes! They made the sea days so enjoyable.

  17. Well Judee you LOOK fantastic, and wow what a great trip! I would be all over that buffet, hahaha, and probably gain ten pounds! Having time in the afternoon to read, nap, or schmooze would suit me better than fine! I love living vicariously through others' adventures! xoxo

    1. I did gain, but was a little careful and only gain 4 pounds in the 2 weeks - and I was happy with that. Now back to dieting to take it off.


Your comments are appreciated. I love knowing who is stopping by to read my posts! Have a great day.