Next week I'll be leaving to take a cruise to Europe. It is a transatlantic cruise which means we will be at sea for 7 days before we begin making stops in Ireland, Belgium, and UK.
Definitely a long time to be at sea on a ship before we make stops!
We are leaving from Miami |
It is my understanding that the staff keeps the passengers busy and entertained with speakers, exercise classes, and many programs for a variety of interests during the many sea days.
I'll be taking my iPad and I have downloaded about 5 books to read.
I'm starting with one of my favorite authors: Kristin Hannah. She writes mostly historical fiction. I downloaded The Four Winds.
I just read her new book called The Women which was about women's roles in the Vietnam War. It was excellent. Her books usually focus on people and their experiences and feelings. Back to the cruise.
At the conclusion of the cruise, we are planning to travel to and spend 5 days exploring London and then 5 days in Paris with family.
We will navigate to the take a train from the cruise port in Southhampton, UK to London, UK and then 5 days later, we will take the fast train from London to Paris before we fly back to Miami. All carrying our luggage.
The dilemma for me right now it how do I pack? My inclination is to pack as smart and light as possible because we will be carrying our luggage to and from the trains. Smart and light to me means color coordinating my clothing (mostly blacks, whites, and blues) so I can cross match outfits and wear them multiple times.
Laundry? We will not have any on the 2 week cruise unless we decide to pay an outrageous fee ($14- for one pair of jeans) or $75 for a very small bag of our clothes to send to their cleaning service.
Hopefully when I get to Paris, we will be able to do wash at our cousin's house. In London, perhaps we will find a laundry facility.
I am planning to wear gym clothes during the day on the cruise. The weather should be moderate with temps in the high 60's.
In the evening for dinner, I will need to dress- but not dress up. I plan to bring white pants, black pants, 2 dresses, 8 tops, and nice jeans. I'll repeat and mix and match.
It will be challenging but I can't carry too much when we are navigating to and from the trains- it will be too heavy and bulky for me.
In my next post I should be able to share how I packed.
If anyone has any suggestions - I am open. I would like to pack more things!!!!
I can't end without sharing a recipe . It is one of my favorites. I make it in the Instant Pot but it can be made on the stove top.