Sunday, March 31, 2024

Chickpea "Mock Tuna" Sandwich

mashed chickpea sandwich with sliced tomato
Chickpeas are really versatile. The high protein beans taste great added to salads, soups, or casseroles. Sometimes, I simply mash them with a fork and eat them on a sandwich like a mock tuna sandwich.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Purim Party Spectacular

Free Purim Bakery Products photo and picture

Yesterday was a Jewish holiday called Purim. 
It is celebrated to remember and commemorate the defeat of an evil person who called for the annihilation of  the Jewish race in Persia in the year 5 B.C.E. 
The name of the person who made the decree was HAMAN. 

Coincidently, today thousands of years later, the Jews seem to be facing another group that wants to destroy the State of Israel and the Jewish race. This group is called HAMAS.

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Baked Marinated Tofu

tofu, vegan,

Would you like a new delicious easy recipe for making tofu? 

This recipe is an adaptation from a recipe I saw online for baked marinated Covina (a white fish). I loved the flavors of the marinade so much, I decided to give it a try using a plant-based protein such as tofu. 

Oranges Citrus Fruits

The easy marinade is simple and consists of the juice of freshly squeezed oranges, lime, seasoning, and optional white wine. It is a citrusy marinade that adds a tangy flavor to the baked tofu.                       


Friday, March 15, 2024

Tuscan Creamy White Bean Soup

creamed bean soup

Are you in the mood for a soothing easy soup recipe?  This traditional Tuscan soup is sure to satisfy!

It boasts subtle hints of fresh rosemary, has a silky consistency, and provides a substantial amount of plant-based protein. Although we often think of making soup in the winter, this is light enough for any season.