Sunday, December 10, 2023

It's Beginning To Look Alot Like Christmas

Do you remember the iconic song, It's Beginning To Look A lot like Christmas, written by Meredith Wilson in 1951 and recorded and popularized by many artists including Perry Como, Bing Crosby, Johnny Mathis, and most recently in 2011 by Michael Buble. 

In South Florida, where I spend my winters, the Christmas decorations are in full bloom right now throughout the multitude of high rise lobbies, on the streets, and the many balconies.
read on to see all the photos

 I live in a city area with rows of huge fifty story highrises which all have beautifully elegantly decorated lobbies for the holidays. 

This is my 24 story building which is directly across the street from the beach. 

The lobby decorations in my 600 unit building are up and quite lovely. 

Exquisite flowers in a friend's lobby.

A reindeer on a bench at the local Aventura Mall 

One of many trees decorated in a local park/playground 

A tree in another lobby I visisted !

A tree made out of entirely poinsettias! So beautiful !!

A grand tree in a lobby with a tall ceiling! 

 It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas around here. It's a beautiful festive time. We pray for peace and love in the world.

I am on a cruise in the Caribbean this week, so I will not be visiting your sites and leaving comments until I return on Saturday!

I can't end without a recipe. I'm sharing one that I published for this season. It uses wilted kale, roasted acorn squash, and salad vegetables. It looks pretty, is good for you, and tastes delicious. Makes a beautiful presentation. Dazzling Winter Salad (link to recipe)

Thanksgiving Acorn Squash Salad

Dazzling Winter Salad (link to recipe)


  1. So X'masy and beautiful! Enjoy your cruise in the Caribbean.

  2. The Christmas decorations look lovely. I visit the crowded shopping mall around this time only to see the decorations. The squash salad with kale sounds fabulous.

  3. The reindeer is quite unusual and wonderful. Have a wonderful time this week! Peace!

  4. We lived in SW Florida for 20 plus years and Florida really does do it up for the Holidays. We always visited the Edison estate and the boat parade on the Caloosahatchee River. It was always magical. Enjoy your cruise!!

  5. Wow! Fabulous Christmas Decorations.
    That salad looks delicious.

    Enjoy your cruise.

    All the best Jan

  6. I just love Christmas trees and decorations. I wish the season stayed longer!

  7. That does look like a marvelous salad, Judee. And WOW the decorations all over town are gorgeous! So beautiful to see. Hope you're thoroughly enjoying your cruise! xoxo

  8. Hope you enjoyed the cruise. Our shopping centres and streets are decorated. And the kids have their tree up.
    from Tandy I Lavender and Lime

  9. Lovely post I enjoyed it-and-Enjoy your cruise!

  10. I love that pointsettia tree. Have fun on your cruise!

  11. Very nice decorations and hope you're enjoying the cruise!

  12. I loved seeing all of the gorgeous Christmas decorations in your building and surrounding areas. Everything looks so fabulously festive!

  13. Beautiful decorations. I especially love the poinsettia tree.

  14. I'm loving this tropical Christmas décor! Your dazzling winter salad fits right in! 💖🌴


Your comments are appreciated. I love knowing who is stopping by to read my posts! Have a great day.