Wednesday, October 4, 2023

My Last Summer Salad- Raw Corn and Tomato

salad vegetables with corn, olives, tomatoes

Although its officially fall, the temperatures are still in the mid 80's, so I'm still making summer salads for dinner.

corn cut off the cob

I went to a local farm (Shady Brook) and they were still selling the last of the corn on the cob, summer tomatoes, and cherry tomatoes. 

The corn tasted just as sweet as it did in the height of the summer but drier, larger kernels, and a little tougher. After tasting it, I decided it wasn't worth buying this late in the season. The tomatoes were still delicious.

bowl of salad with corn kernels, tomatoes, olives,

We normally cut the raw uncooked corn off the cob and into our salads, so that is just what I did. I cut the corn off the cob, diced up the tomatoes, added some fresh baby spinach, Kalamata olives, fresh basil, and some sliced red onion. 

This is how it looks in the middle of the summer

My husband was very happy with the salad ( he thought the corn was fine) and he dressed his salad ( I made one for him and one for me) with lemon juice and some olive oil. 

I, on the other hand, was disappointed with the texture of the corn and concluded that it would make a wonderful Mid Summer's Night Dream salad but not a wonderful early fall salad.

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The flavors were good- but the corn was just a tad dry and a tad tough.

So tuck this recipe away for next summer when the corn is juicy, sweet, and tender. It will be perfect. 

salad, corn, tomatoes, olives, vegan

Tomorrow, I'll make a more traditional salad with produce from the supermarket such as lettuce, tomato, cucumber, grated carrots, etc.

Mid Summer's Night Dream Salad Ingredients

2 cups of corn kernels cut freshly off the cob
2 cups of diced summer tomatoes (or halved cherry tomatoes)
1/2 cup of red onion thin slices
1/2 cup of pitted Kalamata olives, sliced
2 cups of baby spinach leaves 
1/2 cup of chopped fresh basil 

Mix everything together in a medium mixing bowl. 

I feel the juicy corn is enough of a salad dressing for me, but feel free to add lemon juice and olive oil if you like or any oil-free dressing of choice.

LULU - my grand cat!!!

         How is your weather? Are you getting fall weather yet? 

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  1. We are still in the mid to high 90's here in East Texas! I have not thought to add raw corn to a salad, but it sound great, so yes, I will tuck this one away...

  2. Your grand cat looks really cute! My husband would enjoy this salad too.

  3. Melynda- Wow! Mid 90's in Texas - that is really hot. Hope you get some relief soon..

  4. This is a little different than my corn/tomato salad and I think I like it better. The kalamata would be a nice addition. Mine doesn't use spinach but has feta. Yum. I like the spinach idea. More substantial and good for your iron!

  5. You had me at corn and tomato... and the basil, spinach, and olive sound like fabulous additions! But, yes... raw corn needs to be very very fresh.

  6. A delicious salad!....I have to admit that I prefer my corn cooked; however, I love salads with a mix of tomatoes and corn.........Abrazotes, Marcela


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