Sunday, September 24, 2023

The 25 Hour Fast and Yom Kippur

Free Synagogue Jewish photo and picture

Tonight at 6:30 PM EST,  I will begin a full food and water fast that will last for 25 hours. It is the Jewish day of atonement, called Yom Kippur!

It is the holiest of all Jewish holidays lasting from sundown to sundown. It comes just 10 days following the beginning of our new Jewish New year according to the original Jewish calendar.  

It is customary to wear white clothing for purity and prior to the holiday to give charity (which observant Jews also do before every weekly Sabbath). 

Free Person Holding a Star of David Stock Photo

It is a day of total self reflection, meditation, and prayer. It is a day that observant Jews watch no TV, refrain from participating in any distraction such as Internet, mail, eating and drinking, driving a car, shopping, drinking etc.

It is a day to search one's own soul and behaviors. It is customary to  ask forgiveness from family members and friends for anything you might have done to hurt the other person knowingly or unknowingly. 

It is also customary to pray for forgiveness from G-d for all of our sins so we may forge ahead cleansed, make better decisions, and be a better person in the new year. And in our prayers we ask to be sealed for another good year in the book of life.

Prayers services go on almost all day until sundown in the synagogue. The doors open at 8:00 am and close at 8:00 pm tomorrow. Their is a 3 hour evening service tonight as well.

**Before the start of the fast, extended family usually have a "before the fast meal" together and at the end of the fast gather again for a "Break Fast" meal. 

So my friends, I will be signing off my blog for 25 hours. 

"Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes … including you."- Anne Lamont

Wishing everyone peace, health, and happiness!

 And to those whole observe Yom Kippur have an easy fast and to be sealed in the book of life for a good, healthy, happy, and prosperous year. 

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  1. Awesome! I love fasting :-) and 48-hrs fasting is my favourite and I do it regularly. Enjoy it, Judee.

  2. Thank you for this explanation of Yom Kippur and the accompanying fast. Thanks, too, for the quote from Annie Lamott. Wishing you peace, health, and happiness as well in the year to come.

  3. I hope your fast was an easy one.
    from Tandy I Lavender and Lime

  4. Hope you had an easy fast. As Catholics, we only have holy days that you fast between meals and don't eat meat.

  5. I enjoyed learning about Yom Kippur, Judee.
    Hugs and blessings

  6. Thanks for sharing about this. I should know more (my extended family is partly Jewish through marriage) and I know a little about the holy days but this is more detailed.

  7. Although I've heard of Yom Kippur, I didn't know its history or rituals. Thank you for the information. I hope the day was everything you hoped it would be. And I wish you peace, health, and happiness, too!


Your comments are appreciated. I love knowing who is stopping by to read my posts! Have a great day.