Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Pumpkins and Mums, But Where is Fall?

I'm starting to get ready to pack up for Florida for the winter. 
We will be leaving in 3 weeks, so I'm really hoping to enjoy some fall weather here in Pennsylvania before we leave. 

trees on a street

I bought 3 pots of colorful mums today for our front porch and one for under our tree. The rust colors and bright yellow and golds feel like fall. 

mum flowers in yellows and burgundy

We had some cooler (50's and very rainy) weather this week, but the forecast looks hot for next week with temperatures hitting 80 again.

We had turned on the heat, and I finally took out some jeans and sweaters, but it appears I'll be putting them away.

mums, orange flowers, Halloween,

The local farms have started displaying their pumpkins and cornstalks, and hayrides will be starting soon despite the Indian summer weather (Is that still a word?)

pumpkin farm, pumpkins,

I'm sure that you heard that Covid numbers are on the rise. 
A week ago Sunday evening (10 days ago) , I had a low grade fever for 24 hours, a stuffed nose, and was tired. I did a home test, and yup I tested positive for Covid. For 8 days I felt like I had a bad cold with a cough. 

Mums on my front porch

I basically drank lots of fluids, lemon and honey in tea, and took extra zinc, Vitamin D, and Vitamin C. After the 8 days, I re-tested twice and I am testing negative. Despite the negative reading, I still felt a little punky. The cough is gone, but I still have a slight post nasal drip and am somewhat tired.

neighborhood with green grass and green trees

I went out for the first time today in my neighborhood and took a 2 mile walk in the beautiful sun that has finally returned (I usually do 4 miles). The temperature was about 59, but it doesn't look like fall yet!

hydrangeas in a vase, white and green
Flowers from my garden looked beautiful on the dinner table

By the way. I had 21 people for dinner for our holiday the night before I got sick and thank goodness NO ONE including my husband came down with Covid (and it's been 10 days). It's a mystery. 

Since it is now officially fall, has it begun to look like fall where you live? 

I did make a  soup the other day. It's one of our favorites made with frozen artichokes, celery, potatoes, and lots of lemon (vegan and gluten-free of course) Click here for the recipe for lemon artichoke soup.

vegan artichoke soup


  1. Thanks for leaving me a comment on my blog so I could 'find' you. I was born and raised in PA and wonder where you live. I was close to the New York State border-about 60 miles SE of Binghamton (17 miles from the actual border in Bradford County). Will see if I can add you to my reading list. Diana

  2. Fall is always so weird! Spring, too. Especially here in the Northeast. It's more of a mix of the seasons it's between instead of a season itself. Even so, your mums are beautiful and I hope you get to enjoy them and other fall favorites before you leave for Florida. I'm so sorry you got COVID again! I know it's on the rise again and am glad you're feeling better. I'm planning to get my (fourth? I've sort of lost track) vaccine this weekend. 💖🧡🤎💛🍁

  3. Sorry to hear you had Covid. And it's amazing no-one else got it. Take it easy till you feel completely better.
    from Tandy I Lavender and Lime

  4. Good luck with a complete recovery before you leave for the winter!
    best, mae at

  5. The flowers are really pretty and it looks very autumn over here, but not overly cold. Hope you are feeling better and fit soon, Judee.

  6. Our high temperatures are still in the mid- to upper-80s (about 10 degrees above normal for this time of the year). I took the sleeveless shirts out of the closet and stacked them on the dresser, thinking I would put them into the off season tubs when I got cool weather clothes out.

    Not only have I not done that, but I have actually used a couple of them!

  7. Sorry to read that you have had Covid, sending my good wishes for a complete recovery.

    I like the mums and pumpkins - so colourful.

    All the best Jan

  8. I'm so sorry you've been sick with Covid. I'm glad it wasn't impossible but nonetheless, eight days is a long while. I'm glad it's on the mend.

    I haven't bought mums yet for outside -- they're in such bloom but it's still pretty early. Possibly next week. That is such a tidy pumpkin patch! Yours are gorgeous.

    It's not looking too much like fall here in the city but I suspect when I go north next week I'll see a lot more color!

  9. So glad you are feeling better, something went around our area, and I had a couple days I didn't feel good, but I was the only one. Have fun getting ready for Florida!

  10. I can’t imagine that it is Florida time for you again. Where did those seasons go? Glad you recovered so quickly!

  11. So sorry to hear that you've been ill -- best wishes for a quick (and complete!) recovery! Your mums, though, are beautiful, a perfect complement to the pumpkins in your neighborhood, and I love the flowers on your table and the bower of trees sheltering your street. It looks like you are enjoying as much of the autumn as you can find before heading south!

  12. I’m so sorry to hear that you’ve been dealing with Covid. I hope you see the end of it very soon and can get your strength back and enjoy the fall. I also hope that we have fall. It’s been warm here, with temperatures up near 90° this past week. This is the time of the year when I start pulling things up and bringing things in from out on the deck. This past week I nearly succumbed to the heat. Not what I was expecting for October.

  13. Sorry about Covid, it has been increasing here too and I am afraid I will be dealing with it again. Glad you're feeling better and crazy that it is Florida time already, I am still getting over summer.


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