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Friday, August 11, 2023

Summer Salad and Best Stacking Mixing Bowls Ever

salad arranged with olives, celery, and toppings

Summer is certainly the time for interesting salads using farm fresh produce and lots of fixings! But the stars of this post are my new rubber bottom mixing stacking bowls. Wait until you see them!

Last Sunday my kids hosted a BBQ. My son made a variety of salads to go along with the meal and my DIL introduced me to these amazing bowls. After one look, I ordered them immediately.

The set of 6 bowls have a 
  • rubber non-slip bottom
  • are lovely to use a a serving bowl 
  • come with covers to store in refrigerator
  • stack one inside the other with the lids for storage
  • are high quality stainless 
  • wash beautifully in the dishwasher (not the plastic lids)  
stainless steel bowls

6 stainless steel bowls with rubber bottoms

They also come with a graters to grate directly into the bowl and then cover with the lid to keep fresh in the fridge!! 

3 graters for grating vegetables

The best part for me is the storage. They all stack into the largest bowl including the lids and graters!

These fit right on top 

Prep, store, and serve all is one bowl. 
Also perfect for leftovers or to carry to a pot-luck because it looks pretty to serve right in it and won't break! You can view them on Amazon by clicking here on bowls

They also came with a variety of measuring cups, measuring spoons, and other little kitchen gadgets that I may not use but they came with it. It's probably a great gift for someone starting out new in their kitchen.

umite serving bowl set with lids and graters
This is the photo from Amazon  for the set. 

I purchased them on Amazon a few days ago. They were $42.99- BUT there is a $13 off coupon being offered that I just clicked and applied and brought the price to $29.99 plus tax ( I have prime so no shipping) click on  bowls to see them on Amazon.
This is an item that I felt is worth sharing. I usually only share when I do the posts for IMK (in my kitchen) at the beginning of the month.
But this is a real bargain at $27.99-

Attention: Warning
My DIL warned me - that she does NOT Put the Lids in the dishwasher or they don't fit properly afterwards!! She has other sets and has learned to wash and dry lids by hand.

To view the bowls on Amazon click here:  bowls

Disclaimer: I am an Amazon Affiliate which means if you click on a link from my site and make a qualified purchase, I will receive a small compensation at no cost to you. This helps me defray the expense of running a blog. I appreciate your support thanks. 


  1. Those bowls are very practical. I just made a huge salad for my husband.

  2. I agree summers are meant for interesting salads and we eat a lot.

  3. What great salads for this hot weather! I like the bowls very much.

  4. Beautiful bowls! And your pictures of freshly chopped vegetables are practically glowing with good health (and deliciousness). It's nearly 10pm here and I'm tempted to see if we have anything as appealing in our refrigerator right now!

  5. My kitchen storage is too full -- this looks nice, but I have those functions pretty well covered already! Your sales pitch is very persuasive, though. I hope your amazon compensation is great!
    best, mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  6. I have a set of stainless steel mixing bowls with no-skid bottoms, and I really love them. They unfortunately didn't come with lids or all the bells and whistles - GRATERS! - that you have. That's pretty cool. I used to not put them in the dishwasher, becuase I had a feeling it was doing something bad to the plastic. But I recently got a new dishwasher, and they do fantastically in it. (I think the main difference is the drying cycle? I don't know.)

  7. What a great set of bowls. Having lids is a huge bonus!! Have a great week!!

  8. Hi Judee. What a beautiful salad! Have a great week ahead.

  9. What a beautiful and delicious salad!!....you have a nice set of bowls!........Abrazotes, Marcela

  10. That does look like an interesting set of bowls. The lids are a great idea, and I also like the grating discs.

  11. So happy you shared this with SSPS, have a great week ahead!

  12. Such a great set of bowls, I will look into. Thanks!

  13. Of course I love these colorful bowls! They're the perfect way to set off a rainbow salad! 🌈🥗

  14. Those are fantastic work bowls with lots of great features. Your salad in your new bowl also looks pretty darn good too!


  15. The words summer and salad just go together so well.

    All the best Jan

  16. I have one bowl like that, and the lid has never fitted properly, so your DIL's warning is a good one! I love these, and will splurge if I ever see them here :)

  17. Salad - oh how lovely and I love those bowls - will have to check them out.
    Thank you for sharing your various links with us at #274 SSPS Linky. Hope to see you again next week.


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