Thursday, February 2, 2023

Unforgettable Winter Soups

vegan mushroom soup

I'm sharing a collection of what I feel are some of my unforgettable winter soup recipes. 

These are stick to your ribs, satisfying,  warming, and delicious. All of my soups are easy to make, respect your time, and use simple healthy ingredients that are low in fat, and of course meet gluten-free and kosher parve standards. 

red lentil vegetable soup

green bean vegetable soup, vegan soup

Butternut squash  soup, Meal, Soup, red lentil

Easy potato leek soup

brussels sprouts soup

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My Notes: 
All of my recipes on this blog are gluten-free/vegetarian/vegan/kosher parve. 
As of 2020 all recipes are strictly vegan (priorly all were vegetarian)
As of 2021 - all recipes are also oil-free.

Use a good tasting vegetable broth to get the best results. I use Tabatchnick's vegetable broth which I sometimes find in the kosher isle in many supermarkets. Or make your own tasty vegetable stock or broth.


  1. Thank you. These all look wonderful. Soup has become a staple so will be trying each of these, Have a great day,

  2. They all sound and look delicious but the French creamy mushroom sounds heavenly. I will have to try that one for sure.

  3. They are truly the perfect winter warmer! I like the mushroom soup the most.

  4. I am making a butternut squash and apple soup tomorrow. Love soup season!

  5. Your timing is perfect! Bitterly cold weather is headed our way and all these soups look yummy!!

  6. Way to stay warm this winter! Especially as a cold snap sets in (at least here) this weekend. And yes, to answer your question, I'm excited that the Eagles are going to the Super Bowl! Even though it's hard for me to sit through a football game. My dad's a huge Eagles fan, so I've always rooted for them, and there's always something about the home team. That year they beat the Patriots was amazing!

  7. We don't have a Kosher aisle in any of our local supermarkets. Our area used to have a thriving Jewish Community but sadly that's no longer the case. The Synagogue was sold twenty years ago. During Pesach I find the chicken soup powder I love as that's the only time of the year we get speciality things here. I wonder if it's the same brand as your vegetable stock?
    from Tandy I Lavender and Lime

  8. Great post, very tasty :) Thank you for your inspiration!
    Greetings from Poland!

  9. I've bookmarked a lot of these -- they look delicious!

  10. Every single one of those soups looks amazing and I would jump on that mushroom soup immediately. I see only positve comments here! Seems I always have people tell me over and over that they hate mushrooms or olives when I post about those! A+ for your recipes!

  11. Judee you have put me in the mood for soup, and it is even chilly here in Hawaii! All of them sound wonderful.

  12. They all look awesome. I think I have to try that brussel sprouts soup.

  13. Many thanks for sharing these.
    We do enjoy soup in cooler weather.

    All the best Jan

  14. These all look delicious. Whilst we are still in the middle of summer, it isn't hot at all so we could almost contemplate soup. Almost!

  15. Is there anything better in the wintertime than soup? Lovely round up and I've never seen a recipe for Brussels Sprouts soup, I need to try that!

  16. All of them are delicious!!.....Abrazotes, Marcela

  17. All of great comfort food during cold winter nights

  18. What a fabulous collection of soups! I don't even know where to start!

  19. I'm currently all about winter soup - so yay yo all these delicious and hearty ideas! I'm particularly intrigued the one with Brussels sprouts as I've never used them in soup.

  20. Soups are perfect winter warmers. But I love them anytime of the year.
    In answer to your question, the photos of our Italian vacation were taken with our phone cameras.
    I am excited to see the photos of your upcoming Italy trip too.

  21. I especially love soups in the winter and there are a few on here I have never heard of before; that green bean soup sounds wonderful!


Your comments are appreciated. I love knowing who is stopping by to read my posts! Have a great day.