Saturday, September 24, 2022

Hearts of Palm Angel Hair Pasta with Hummus Dressing

hearts of palm pasta in a bowl

Pasta is one of my favorite foods, and there are so many "new" types of pasta available. 

The newest "pasta" that I found is "hearts of palm" angel hair pasta. It is made from 100 % hearts of palm and shredded to look like angel hair pasta. There are quite a few companies making it, and I believe Trader Joe sells one!

The texture and the look can fool you into thinking it is a bowl of high carb caloric wheat pasta- but it's not!  Instead this noodle dish is extremely low in calories, carbs, and fat, making it perfect for you or anyone who needs to be concerned. It's heart-healthy, gluten-free, vegan, Weight Watcher friendly, low carb etc. 

keto, vegan, low carb

I was surprised how my taste buds were fooled by the look of this pasta. In the past, I have (recipe link) spiralized zucchini and eaten it as a pasta, so the idea of a vegetable pasta was not new to me. 

The ease of making this one was new to me. It comes in a package ready to quickly heat and eat. I liked it better than spiralized zucchini.

hearts of palm angel hair pasta

It is so easy - simply open the package, pour into a skillet and heat and stir to separate. Then add your "recipe" ingredients and enjoy this guilt-free pasta dish!

Although I could have prepped it it with marinara sauce or sautéed vegetables, I choose to make it with a light hummus dressing.

Soy Sauce, Lunch, Side Dish, Dining

I used gluten-free soy sauce and some plain hummus and sesame seeds as my sauce and was beyond delighted. Just before finishing, I added some fresh spinach and let it wilt into the pasta dish. I ate it warm, but I'll bet if I chilled it, it would have still be good. 

If I buy it again, I will probably make it into a stir-fry with other vegetables. 

1 package of angel hair hearts of palm pasta
1/4 cup of gluten-free soy sauce
2 hearty tablespoons of hummus ( I love the flavor of the Whole Foods 365 original hummus) 
1/2 cup of fresh baby spinach leaves
optional: sesame seeds 

Open the package, drain if needed, and add the angel hair pasta to a skillet. Heat stirring continuously for a minute to separate the strands. Add the gluten-free soy sauce and allow to heat an additional 3-4 minutes (stir once or twice to prevent sticking) to toast it up. Stir in hummus and mix well, add spinach leaves, put on a lid to allow to wilt for one minute. Remove from heat, add to a plate and enjoy. Sprinkle with sesame seeds if desired.

On other occasions, I have used whole hearts of palm from a jar in some salads and it is quite tasty.

My Notes: 
1. I really enjoyed this angel hair pasta, but of course it is not the same as regular pasta- but it's a nice very low calorie alternative. 


  1. This sounds delicious! Thanks for sharing this new variety of pasta. I will be sure and try it.

  2. Such a fun recipe! I love enjoy palm hearts and they do look like angel hair pasta..a fantastic dish!

  3. I never thought of hummus with pasta. I like both -- it sounds like a great idea!

  4. I will look for that pasta! Great suggestion. Thank you.

  5. it looks like it will be perfect in Asian dishes!
    from Tandy I Lavender and Lime

  6. I've never thought of hummus with pasta either! Must try!

  7. It looks delicious!.....great combination!!.....Abrazotes, Marcela

  8. So interesting! I too love pasta but had never heard of the hearts of palm version. It's good to know that it was tastier than the spiraled zucchini. Your expertly garnished bowl certainly looks appetizing! 🍲

  9. This sounds AMAZING! I always have angel hair pasta, hummus, and hearts of palm on hand. Can't wait to try this.

  10. Bursting with health and great flavours!!!!!

  11. I still haven't tried the hearts of palm pasta but I definitely want to!


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