Friday, September 23, 2022

Berry Salad with Mint and Coconut

berry salad with mint and coconut shavings

Looking for an easy, light, and healthy dessert that will make a wow impression? 

This berry salad with mint and coconut is sure be a hit! There is nothing easier or more delicious than a huge bowl of berries combined into a simple salad.

The colors, with the addition of mint and coconut shavings, are rich and vibrant and full of healthy vitamins and antioxidants as a bonus!

Berries, Fruit, Nutrition, Blueberries

Next time you are asked to bring a fruit salad to a gathering or need to make one for your own guests, think berries. 

This easy berry fruit salad requires no cutting, peeling, or mess. You simply wash the berries, dry them and fill up a pretty glass dish. And it will be perfect if you, a guest, or family member are gluten-free, vegan, vegetarian, or on a low fat or low sugar diet (leave out the coconut).

Berries in a bowl

My friend Noreen actually made this easy salad when we were visiting her and her husband Avi at her beautiful home in Cape Cod last week.

scene in Cape Cod

To make the berry salad a little more interesting, Noreen added chopped fresh mint right from the pot of mint growing on her deck and sprinkled the berries with some shredded coconut. 

Mint, Plant, Herb, Organic, Menthol

Berries are light, healthy, and tasty. The perfect way to end a heavy meal. 

berry and coconut fruit salad

I'll be making this berry salad for our upcoming Rosh Hashanah holiday this week (starts Sunday night and ends Tuesday night)

We expect 20 family members for dinner Monday night, so we are hoping the weather will cooperate to be able to eat outside on my large deck.

To my readers who celebrate the Jewish New Year- I wish you health, happiness, and abundance in this coming year! Shanna Tova!

New Year greeting

2 containers of raspberries
2 containers of blueberries
2 containers of blackberries 
1/4 cup of finely chopped fresh mint
optional: 1/4 cup of shredded coconut

Wash, pat dry, and combine all berries into a large glass serving bowl. Toss in the mint and coconut . Refrigerate until serving.

My Notes: 
1. Place the berries between two paper towels to dry. You do not want them to be wet. We made this salad in the morning and served it in the evening and it held up great in the refridgerator.

2. This makes a large bowl of berries. Cut in half for a smaller group.

3. I like to buy organic berries. 

4. I saw a 30 second video on how to wash your berries to store them so they don't get moldy. Interesting link:   How to Wash Berries

Sharing on Weekend Cooking at The Intrepid Reader and Baker where anyone can share a food related post! Come visit ! 


  1. This looks absolutely delightful! My berry-loving husband would devour it.

  2. WoW what an amazing combination! Looks great and healthy. Thanks for the recipe. Greetings.

  3. Lovely light dessert idea. Wishes for a Sweet New Year dear Judee to you and your family.

  4. That's gorgeous and so healthy! Your guests will love it. Happy Rosh Hoshanah.

  5. L'shana tova tikatev v'taihatem
    from Tandy I Lavender and Lime

  6. Have a great dinner for Rosh Hashanah on Monday, and a wonderful new year.

    best… mae at

  7. If that salad is as tasty as it is beautiful, wow.

  8. Yes, mint adds a a lovely freshness to fruit salads. Have a great Rosh Hashanah.

  9. Enjoy your Rosh Hashanah celebrations.

    A bowl of different berries is much more appetising to me than a more normal fruit salad!


Your comments are appreciated. I love knowing who is stopping by to read my posts! Have a great day.