Friday, August 5, 2022

Sun Protection and Tropical Fruits

tropical fruits on a platter

What do tropical fruits have to do with protecting us from the sun's harmful rays? Nature has it all figured out. 

Did you know that eating fruit during the summer is not only delicious and healthy, but it plays a roll in fortifying our diet to have the protective nutrients needed to protect us from some of the sun's harmful rays and possibly even help prevent sunburn.

Tropical fruits such as watermelon, mango, papaya, pineapple, pomegranates and oranges contain specific antioxidants that help protect our skin from the sun's rays. Makes sense!

Mandarins, Citrus Plant, Fruit

However, it's not just tropical fruit. In fact berries, sweet potato, spinach, and grapes offer protection as well. 

Free photos of Spinach

Dr. Rajani Katta published a book called Glow: The Dermatologists Guide to a Whole Foods Younger Skin Diet in which he explains the benefits of the antioxidants in plant food for skin protection.

tropical fruit platter

Dr. Patricia Farris, a Dermatologist and fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology was quoted saying,  “There are definitely foods that we eat that can boost our ability to protect our skin from the sun” (source). 

Summer is the perfect time to enjoy sweet tasty fresh tropical fruit and other seasonal produce when the sun is the strongest. It's plentiful, in season, and at its peak. 

Watermelon, Juicy, Fruits, Sliced, Food

Ever notice how everyone loves watermelon in the summer? There is good reason for this. Watermelon (and tomatoes) contain lycopene which is a natural protector of harmful sun rays

Watermelon grows in areas that are very hot and sunny. 
My husband was born and lived in the sunny Egypt where his family resided for 3 generations (since the 1800's), and he until age 17. One of his grandmother's origins were from Italy, so he and other family members are fairer skinned. 

Despite being exposed to the strong sun most of the year, they never had any skin cancer problems. However, they ate a very indigenous  healthy diet that was rich in antioxidants and Omega 3's and ate lots of protective fruit (and wore protective clothing) all summer. Fifty years ago, he didn't have access to sunscreen in Egypt.

Sunglasses, Summer Hats, Hats, Hat

Of course, it's always prudent to wear hats, sunglasses, and protective clothing, and stay in the shade as much as possible. 

Why not just use sunscreen? 
Well there is significant controversy regarding some of the chemicals that are in sunscreen and the negative effect those chemicals may have when absorbed into the body on a daily basis (source).

I love this immune boosting healthy combination of blueberries and papaya!

My Notes: 

1. Please Follow Me on Instagram
If you don't already follow me on Instagram, please follow this link  Judeethefoodie follow me. I'm trying to build my following. Thanks much appreciated. 
 Follow Me on Instagram at (link) Judeethefoodie 

I post lots of food ideas for entertaining, additional recipes, etc. 

2. If you are concerned about the carbs in fruit and concerned about blood sugar, you may be interested in reading some of the new research. Cyrus Khambatta PhD author of Mastering Diabetes is not the only author now suggesting a new approach to dealing with Type 2 diabetes. Think about it, the current approach at best helps manage Type 2 diabetes but never puts it into remission. There are many people taking a new approach (a Whole Foods Plant Based Low Fat) and finding that with the new approach to eating which includes significant fruit and other carbs, Type 2 diabetes is no longer an issue. 

I'm sharing this post on Weekend Cooking linky where anyone can share a food related posts. There are usually some very interesting posts with cookbook reviews, recipes, etc. come take a look. 


  1. Fruits are also colorful which gives us so many nutrients - eat a rainbow!

  2. My husband would love that fruit platter!

  3. Such wonderful colours on that fruit plate. We eat more veg than fruit usually. Hmmm…

  4. Peaches and blueberries have been my favorite combination, but in looking at your blueberries with papaya, I think I may have just changed my mind. Now I’m sorry that I didn’t buy papaya when I was at the market. This summer I have been eating LOTS of fruits and vegetables. I’ve never been a big fan of grapes, but they seem better this year because I can’t seem to get enough of them and those little Mandarin oranges/clementines. So refreshing!

  5. we eat a lot of fruit and maybe this year I will grow watermelon as it's indigenous to where I live. I wear sunblock every day and have done so for decades. It's the one habit I won't change as my cousin died from melanoma.
    from Tandy I Lavender and Lime

  6. I love fruit! I never knew fruit could offer sun protection.

  7. Love fruit and veg. Eating strawberries and yogurt at the moment. But I never think of watermelon. I need to get some.

  8. Great write up and love your fruit platter. Living in Florida I always wear a hat and try and protect my skin.

  9. My comment didn't finish Judee, so I'll try again, I'm just loving so much fruit the summer since ti has just been so sweet! I don't go out in the sun, but I do remember the protective measures that you mentioned.

  10. What an interesting post, I did not know that about fruit and sun protection.

  11. This was so interesting! I never knew that there was more to eating lots of fruit in the summer beyond it being in season -- and, of course, delicious! As always, I enjoyed all the gorgeous pics, especially the one of the blueberry-filled papaya.

    Finally, I'm following you on Instagram. I just joined myself about a month ago. So much fun!


Your comments are appreciated. I love knowing who is stopping by to read my posts! Have a great day.