Saturday, April 30, 2022

Spicy Orange Sauce in A Stuffed Baked Potato

Vegan stuffed baked potato

Sauces are the spice of life and they taste really good on steamed broccoli, baked potatoes, green beans, cauliflower, veggie burgers, or just about anything. I think you will love the low fat sauce I made. 

Monday, April 25, 2022


This is one of the most amazing new food inventions ever- It looks like salmon and tastes like salmon- but it isn't salmon!!!  Keep reading.

Salmon, Fish, Seafood, Veggies, Salad

FISH-LESS-FISH is great for vegans AND for fish eaters as well. ( I don't have a photo of the fish-less-fish yet- the above photo is real salmon)

Why did they invent it?  Watch the video at the end of the post. Short and Interesting

Much of the population love to eat fish, however our oceans are being OVER-FISHED and soon we will have to deal with shortages and even running out of fish!! 

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Quinoa "Oatmeal" - A Delicious Breakfast Cereal

Breakfast, Blueberries, Strawberries

Do you like to eat oatmeal for breakfast but sometimes just get tired of it and want to switch it up? It turns out that you can make a wonderful easy hot breakfast cereal from quinoa (pronounced Keen-wah). read more

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Black Bean Eggplant Sauce for Pasta, Rice, or Polenta

Salsa, Canning, Glasses, Bottling, Preservation

Looking for an easy homemade marinara sauce to eat over pasta, rice, polenta, baked potato, or even cooked vegetables? This delicious sauce that will perk up any meal, meets oil-free, gluten-free, and vegan standards too. read more

Sunday, April 3, 2022


Time to take a peek INTO MY KITCHEN and see what's going on this month of April. 

As most of you know, we had some difficult family times last month, so we are getting back to normal but I haven't been doing much cooking or entertaining. 

I do have some interesting food products and new kitchen items that I use that I do want to share. read more