Friday, December 3, 2021

In My Kitchen- December

I'm joining Sherry's IMK (In My Kitchen) "blog share" for the month of December. IMK, as the name implies, is an opportunity for bloggers to give readers a peek into what's going on in their kitchens. 

This is the second time I am participating in IMK, but my kitchen has significantly changed since last month. 
I am a snowbird and spend 6 months in Florida. 
Last month you took a peek into my kitchen in my home in Pennsylvania. This month you will be taking a peek into my Florida condo kitchen and its contents. 

First I want to show you my special soup bowls- 

Next lets take a peek at coffee mugs

mugs with hand painted pottery

Next serving bowls

hand painted serving dishes

golden berries

golden berries
These little berries are sweet . They look like cherry tomatoes but are berries. I've only seen them in Florida.

cocoa powder

Hanukah towels

This oil-free latke definitely tasted better than it looked. The oatmeal flour made it look white.

coleslaw with peanut sauce
Coleslaw Salad With Peanut Sauce - Amazing

I made (recipe link) vegan spring rolls 



  1. Those soup bowls and cups are just lovely! I need to find some golden berries for my husband to try since he is crazy for all sorts of berries.

    1. Thank you Angie. I've only seen the berries in Florida but they are probably other places too.

  2. Your cups and bowls are beautiful! I like your Hanukah decorations as well. I need to find my little hand towels that are decorated with dreidels too. Happy Hanukah!

    Best… mae at

    1. Mae,
      I got my hand towels in Home Goods or TjMaxx.. They seemed to have a huge selection of Hanukkah items this year, but not sure what is left.

  3. What do the golden berries taste like? I have a summer house, so I know how fun - and how challenging - it can be to stock and cook in a second kitchen.

    1. Jeff,
      Golden berries are truly unique tasting. It would be like trying to describe a blueberry- not sure how to begin. Although they are sweet tasting, they tend to have a slightly citrusy sour burst as well. We do really love them.

  4. The dishes make the food a treat more than it already is.

    1. Hi Marie,
      I do so enjoy my colorful and joyful dishes and I think you are right, it does add to the enhancing the food that we eat in our beautiful dishes.

  5. i love the cups and bowls. What do you use the cacao for?

    Happy Hanukah

    1. Thank you - they are my favorites... I use cocoa for chocolate pudding and hot cocoa and smoothies.

  6. Thanks for giving us a glimpse into both of your kitchens!!

  7. so many good things here! love all the ceramics. and those cape gooseberries look interesting. not sure if i've had them. how nice to spend 6 months in a new place. puts some zip in your life for sure. do you bake the latkes? i've done that with similar foods before. happy hanukah! cheers S

  8. Your kitchen accessories are so bright and beautiful, perfect for Florida! It must be so much fun to collect special pieces for each space (FL and PA). :)

  9. Gorgeous patterns on your crockery! I do love bowls but I have to really restrict myself since I live alone and already have at last count about 60 different plates/bowls/cups etc! I made latkes once for a Jewish friend and they were deep fried, yours looks like a much healthier version

  10. I do like your soup bowls and cups, they are very nice and colourful.

    All the best Jan


Your comments are appreciated. I love knowing who is stopping by to read my posts! Have a great day.