Saturday, October 30, 2021

Sweet Potato Breakfast Bowl- Different But Delicious

Sweet potato, bananas, cinnamon

Tired of the same old/same old for breakfast? 
Try a breakfast bowl featuring moist and healthy mashed sweet potato. 

Who said you have to eat traditional breakfast foods?

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Baked Crunchy Tortilla Chips, - GF and Oil-Free

baked tortilla chips with za'atar

These crunchy seasoned tortilla chips are baked, not fried, and taste really awesome. I make them frequently because they are a fast, EASY, and convenient. 

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Homemade Apple Pie Filling in a Roasted Acorn Squash

acorn squash and apple pie filling

Sweet juicy apple pie filling and tender acorn squash are a match made in heaven in this tasty seasonal fall side dish. I find that roasting vegetables is a great way to warm up the kitchen somewhat before we officially feel ready to turn on the heat

Monday, October 18, 2021

Italian Escarole Soup- Vegan

escarole soup, oil-free soup, gluten=free soup

Have you heard of escarole but never cooked or tasted it? 

My husband's Italian grandmother, born in Livorno, Italy, used to make escarole soup. She is the inspiration behind this simple family favorite. It cooks up very quickly and can me prepped, cooked, and enjoyed in under 25 minutes.

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Lazy Person's Lentil Dal

I try to make a lentil dinner (which is rich in protein, iron, and fiber) about once a week, and this lazy man's   person's lentil dal with rice and vegetable is simple, quick and easy. 
I served my lentil dal with (link) aromatic cardamom rice and some broccoli raab.

Friday, October 15, 2021

Cardamom and Cumin Seed Spiced Rice

Ordinary rice is transformed into extraordinary when cooked with cardamom and topped with aromatic toasted spices that are frequently used in Indian cuisine such cumin seeds, and mustard seeds.

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds As Easy As 1-2-3

Jack-O-Lanterns, Lit, Pumpkins

When I was a kid, we always carved a jack-o-lantern for Halloween, scooped out the pumpkin seeds from inside the pumpkin, and roasted the seeds for a delicious healthy treat. The process is easy as 1-2-3 and a great project to do with kids. 

Friday, October 8, 2021

Tomato Potato Soup- Vegan and Oil-Free

tomato potato soup

This delicious tomato potato soup will keep you coming back for more. It's light, yet filling, and a perfect hearty recipe for fall and winter.

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Romanian Potato and Tomato Stew

romanian potato stew

Whether you say potato or "pa-tah-to" or tomato or "to-mah-to", you will love this easy Romanian tomato based potato vegetable stew which could end up being a meal in a bowl.. read on

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Citrusy Acorn Squash with Roasted Red Grapes

Roasted acorn squash with seeds

Healthy and seasonal, acorn squash splashed with an orange citrus wash and roasted red grapes- is a family favorite. Yes! I said roasted red grapes!!