Friday, September 17, 2021

Sugar Free Chocolate Fudge Sauce

chocolate fudge sauce- sugar free

This chocolate fudge sauce is rich and chocolaty. 
It is very easy to make, has no added sugars, and is gluten-free, vegan, oil-free, dairy-free and parve. Yes, you have seen it before.

This super delicious fudge sauce calls for dates instead of any kind of sugar. Despite using dates for the sweetener, it is rich tasting and the chocolate fudge sauce doesn't taste like dates.

Dates, Dried, Food, Dried Fruits, Sweet
You may have seen my recipes peanut sauce and caramel sauce on my (link) Apple Nachos post a few weeks ago as well as this chocolate fudge sauce.  So many readers asked about this sauce, that I decided that it had to have its own post, so it could be found easily in a search under its own name. 

With only 3 ingredients, it's quick and easy to make in the blender. It could be used on top of "nice" cream (vegan ice cream), muffins, cookies, etc. or of course my (link) Apple Nachos dessert.

How would you use it? 

Sweet and Rich Chocolate Fudge Sauce 

8-10 pitted dates
3/4 cup of nut milk 
2 tablespoons of unsweetened organic cocoa powder (I buy this one (link) unsweetened organic cocoa powder.

Very Easy Directions:
Combine dates and nut milk in a small bowl. Allow to soak for 15 minutes to soften up dates. Add the unsweetened cocoa powder and the date mixture into a small blender such as a Nutribullet. 

Blend until smooth and pour (scrape) mixture into a very small saucepan. Heat on a low flame, whisking the entire time, until mixture begins to thicken. Remove from heat and spoon into a small glass ramekin. Use as a dip or drizzle some over the apple slices.  

cocoa powder


1. This recipe makes a small ramekin such as the photo above. However, it is so rich and sweet, you will not need a lot. Adding more nut milk will thin it out somewhat but also reduce the flavor.

2. I buy (link)  unsweetened organic cocoa powder on amazon but I have also seen organic unsweetened cocoa powder at TJ Maxx and Marshalls in their food sections.

3. As of February 2021- all of my recipes are 100%vegan and oil-free. They have always been and will remain gluten-free. Prior to 2021, you will also find many vegan recipes- but also vegetarian recipes.

My Reading List
1. How Not to Die- Dr. Greger
2. How Not to Diet- Dr. Greger
3. The China Study- T. Campbell
4. Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease - Dr. Esselstyn
5. The Starch Solution - Dr. McDougall
6. Reversing Diabetes- Dr. Neal Barnard
7. The Pleasure Trap- Doug Lisle
8. Amazing Documentary: Forks over Knives ( you have to rent it)

Disclaimer: I am an affiliate for Amazon. If you click on a link from my blog and make a qualified purchase, I receive a very small compensation at no cost to you. This helps defray the costs of running this blog. I appreciate and thank you for your support for my blog.


  1. No sugar is always a good thing plus dates tastes pretty decent!

  2. I'm intrigued by this sauce recipe, Judee, especially as you say that it doesn't taste like dates! Will try when I have dates on hand for sure. It looks amazing!


  3. This sounds so good! Thank you for commenting on my blog. It's very nice to meet like minded people.

  4. My husband quite likes dates as a sweetner. Me, not so much.

  5. This fudge sauce looks and sounds divine! And the apples, both the real ones and the ones on the fabric, are very fally. :) I noticed your reading list too, and I think it's clever how the first two titles are How Not to Die and How Not to Diet.

    By the way, you can find Difficult People on Hulu. :)

  6. "A land flowing with milk and honey" was referring to date syrup when it said honey. Dates are so full of sugar that in Biblical times date extract was called honey. I've probably mentioned this before.

    best... mae at

  7. The apples with the desert look especially good. Yum.

  8. I love dates!!....I can imagine it and it tastes delicious!!!!............Abrazotes, Marcela

  9. Terrific recipe! And we love using dates instead of sugar. Neat recipe -- thanks.


Your comments are appreciated. I love knowing who is stopping by to read my posts! Have a great day.