Sunday, August 29, 2021

Middle Eastern Zucchini with Lemon and Dried Mint

Middle Eastern lemon zucchini

This simple sliced zucchini side dish has a surprisingly robust flavor when cooked the Middle Eastern way with garlic, lemon, and dried mint. 

Where did I find this tasty lemony minted zucchini recipe? It's one of our tried and true family favorites. 

Nona, my 96 year old mother-in-law, is a great Mediterranean cook and frequently used to make this lemony minted zucchini dish in the summer when zucchini was plentiful, available from local farms, and reasonably priced. It helped feed her family of five kids. Although she is now in an assisted living facility and hasn't cooked in over a year, we still love her recipes-but now we have to make them ourselves. 

Lemon, Yellow, Citrus, Fruit, Organic

Her ridiculously easy minted zucchini recipe was not only a favorite of the adults, the kids loved it too. We sometimes ate it over rice or enjoyed solo next to our favorite entree. This recipe takes a plain bland vegetable and gives it a tasty Mediterranean twist. Most of Nona's recipes are made with lemon; many of her recipes are seasoned with mint. It's a great combo.

On a busy night, when you are looking for something you can make in a hurry, this zucchini side dish will be perfect. After all, Nona worked a 9-5 job as well as being chief cook and bottle washer for a family of seven.  

Spices, Mint, Health, Kitchen, Herbs

The citrusy lemon flavor and the fragrant dried mint turn this humble vegetable into a zingy tasty side dish that everyone will enjoy.

Zucchini, Vegetables, Garden Pumpkin

Let's not forget how healthy fresh zucchini is for us. 
It's a good source of vitamin B-6, potassium, and vitamin A. In addition, it provides two vital antioxidants that may protect the eyes. It's high in fiber and water content, while low in calories. 

I read somewhere that the darker green the zucchini

sliced zucchini with lemon and mint

If you've got zucchini, here's another recipe to try. Enjoy!

Author of Gluten Free A-Z Blog: Judee Algazi
Prep Time: 5-10 minutes 
Cook Time: 8-10 minutes ( depends how thick you cut your slices)
Serves: 2

1 med/large zucchini, washed and sliced
1/4 cup of vegetable broth or 2 tablespoons of olive oil for sautéing 
2 cloves of garlic, chopped or pressed
Juice of a fresh lemon or 1/4 cup of lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon of dried mint, crushed

Sauté the zucchini in vegetable broth or olive oil. After 2 minutes, add chopped garlic and continue to sauté stirring slightly to prevent burning for an additional 2 minutes. Add lemon juice stir and cook for 2-3 more minutes. When zucchini is soft, sprinkle with dried mint and serve.

My Notes: 
1. If you dry your own mint, make sure to put it into a spice mill to grind it into a spice. 
2. Otherwise buy ground dried mint which is usually available in an ethnic store such as a Middle Eastern or Indian food store. 
3. Nona made her recipe using oil for sautéing. I use vegetable broth. Either way is good- of course if you do eat oil, it will taste a little more like Nona's. 


  1. I have never tried zucchini with dried mint...sounds really intriguing.

  2. i don't love zucchini. i did plant yellow squash, but it grew have yellow, half green...i'm not sure what that's about!! this does sound good though!!

  3. Aren't courgettes/zucchini great :)
    This does look a very nice recipe.

    All the best Jan

  4. Your mother-in-law's lemon mint zucchini sounds -- and looks -- delicious! She sounds like one amazing woman. :)

  5. I love this recipe...I make something similar, but I add lemon zest because that is the way I tried the first is delicious!!.....Abrazotes, Marcela


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