Thursday, December 10, 2020

It's Hanukkah! Latkes or Donuts?

Hanukkah, Hanuka, Judaism, Chanukah

Latkes or donuts for Hanukkah? We light candles and eat foods made with oil, usually fried foods, for Hanukkah. Why? Hanukkah is the commemoration of a miracle that happened many years ago. 

The word Hanukkah means dedication and in the year 165 B.C. E. when our holy temple in Jerusalem was desecrated and then occupied by the Greeks. Then a group of Jewish Maccabee warriors rebelled, took back the temple, cleaned it up, and re-dedicated the temple to the Jews. 

We remember Hanukkah (the rededication) and that a Big Miracle Happened There- the warriors only had a small amount of oil to light the menorah (candlelabrah) but the oil that should have lasted 1 day lasted 8 full days! Because of this miracle we celebrate the holiday of Hanukkah for 8 days!

Each night we light the candles to remind us to bring warmth and light into the world!

Oil plays a key role in this holiday and many of the foods that we eat revolve around oil. 

For example: 

Jews from Eastern European origins make Latkes (recipe link) which are usually made from potatoes

Potato Pancake, Latke, Food, PotatoJews Jews from Middle Eastern countries and Spanish origins eat sufganiot (donuts) (baked and gluten free recipe link)

Hanukkah, Donuts, Holiday, Judaism

Jews from India eat Gulab Jamun which are fried dough balls in a syrup

Indian Sweet, Gulab Jamun, Indian, Food


  1. Happy Hanukkah! Good to see how festival are celebrated and food is made differently in various parts of the world. Thanks for sharing this!

  2. Judee, Beautiful post - we celebrate both Hanukkah (for my husband) and Christmas (for me). We love Latkes and had I know about donuts - I would have bought some today LOL - Enjoy the 8 days

  3. Happy Hanukkah to you, Judee. Both sufganiot and latkes are mouthwatering!

  4. Happy Hanukkah to you and your family!!....Abrazotes, Marcela


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