Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Why and How I Freeze Packets of Cooked Rice

freezing rice

Do you love rice, but don't always have time to cook it? 
This is a convenient and economical time saver that has been a game-changer for me. With this method, I only cook rice once a month for the two of us. We like our rice made with aromatic cumin seeds. 

After I cook a big batch of rice (3 or 4 cups), I allow the rice to cool off and then divide the rice into individual-size packets. If you notice seeds in our rice, it's because I cook my rice with cumin seeds and a little olive oil. (spray the bottom of the pan with oil, add some cumin seed, and sautee for a 2 minutes, 2 cups of rice, 2 cups of water, and pressure cook in the Instant pot for 12 minutes.)

My husband loves his rice cooked with cumin seeds! It gives the rice an exotic taste (doesn't work with ground cumin).  Add 2 cups of rice, 2 cups of water, 1 tablespoon of cumin seeds and pressure cook in the Instant pot for 12 minutes. Release steam after 5 minutes and serve.
cumin seed rice
Rice Cooked with Cumin Seeds

Regardless, whether I make plain or seasoned rice, I use sandwich size baggies ( BPA free baggies) and fill each bag with rice (leaving some space), flatten the baggie, and then place it in the freezer.

Once these little packets are well frozen, they are available whenever I need them!
Then all I have to do is take a bag of rice out of the freezer for the next time my husband wants rice with his lunch or dinner.  * I always remove the rice from the plastic baggie and put it on a plate before reheating it.

Microwave method: Remove rice from the baggie and place it on a plate. Sprinkle with 3-5 drops of water. Place in microwave and microwave it for 1 minute. Serve it with your favorite recipes!

DIY frozen rice
Exotic Cumin Seed Rice

Having baggies of frozen rice is very convenient if you need a quick meal for yourself- It keeps in the freezer for up to 2 months.

Cooking can be time-consuming, and that is why I look for ways to speed up that process! I find, that for me, I like to do my homemade cooking in the morning before I get distracted, too tired, or have too many excuses.

rice and black beans

Quick Freezer Rice and Beans
Open a can of black beans, grab a bag of frozen rice. Heat your beans and rice together and before eating, top with some diced avocado, red peppers, chopped tomato, or whatever you have on hand.

Quick Freezer Rice and Tofu

Spray a small skillet with olive oil spray. Dice some green onions, peppers, ginger, garlic, or whatever you have handy and sautee in the skillet. Add some cubed tofu and the rice. Heat until hot, stirring. Season with some gluten-free soy sauce.

Quick Freezer Rice and Salad

One of our favorite ways to eat rice is as a base for Asian based dishes such as Mongolian Tofu or Latin inspired recipes such as black beans and white rice. Both of these meals are delicious, rich in protein, and easy to make.

I find cooking rice in the Instant Pot very convenient since it doesn't heat up my kitchen, it doesn't spill over, nothing needs to be stirred and once I close the lid, I don't have to worry about it burning food, and I can walk away and do something else without thought to my cooking.

My Notes: 

1. I have to admit that because of the pandemic and not shopping as frequently, I have become more frugal about food. In the past, I probably would have put leftover rice in the refrigerator and a few days later discarded it. At the beginning of the Pandemic, I could not even find rice on the shelves, so I became very thrifty with whatever I had. I guess it's a good thing. 


  1. I think these are perfect workpieces, thanks for the idea.

  2. I love the idea of adding cumin to the rice. Must try it next time when I get some whole cumin seeds.

  3. Thanks for this idea. I love rice, and have never thought of doing it this way.

  4. A lot of plastic... not reusable.
    Why not freezing them in glass and then in a bigger container in the freezer.

  5. I always freeze leftover rice too. I’m going to try the cumin seeds as well.

  6. great idea I have never thought of this but would save a great amount of time in kitchen thanks for sharing
    come see us at

  7. Judee, I too freezer rice since it is only my husband and I...super practical.
    Have a great rest of the week!

  8. Rice cooked with cumin seeds look great!

  9. I should try you useful method.
    Thank you for sharing

  10. This is my third time trying to write and comment and I'm in the dark on my keyboard and I keep hitting something that I think, published half-written comments. Sorry about that. Love that your freezing the rice.

  11. Rice cooked w/ cumin seeds. I like that idea. I like my rice to be a little spiced up haha! What a great idea- thanks for sharing this.

  12. This is such a great idea to freeze the rice. Thanks for sharing.

  13. I adore rice and cumin. What a great idea to make a larger amount and store it. Since I'm gluten free, rice is a mainstay in my diet. I hate buying those little 3 packs of microwave rice. They are ridiculously expensive, and this would help me tremendously! Thank you!


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