Saturday, April 4, 2020

Instant Pot Vegan Potato Salad

Homemade Potato Salad

My husband loves potato salad and especially his grandmother's recipe that goes way back to his childhood growing up in the Middle East. I was delighted to convert the recipe to making it in the Instant Pot. I saved time and the mess of boiling a large amount of potatoes.

Made with lemon juice and oil 

This interesting vegan recipe is made using lemon juice and oil as opposed to mayonnaise.

Fed a Large Family
It was a recipe that helped feed a large family and filled their bellies when food was scarce when he was growing up. Now that we are in the middle of the Coronavirus chaos and some foods are scarce or we just are limiting our trips to the supermarket, I'm trying to think of simple ways to feed and fill up my husband with nourishing food that is filling and easy to make-

My Husband's Family Made This Recipe On Passover
Traditionally, this was a recipe that my husband's family made and still make for the week of Passover.

Since bread, crackers, rolls, pasta, cereal etc are not eaten on Passover, potatoes were and are a good substitute. It's a great gluten free, vegan, dairy free, parve, recipe for the holiday. We often serve it as a side dish for the Passover Seder (ceremonial meal).

cut up potatoes

I Cooked The Potatoes In The Instant Pot - 8 minutes
I made the potatoes in the Instant Pot in just 8 minutes. (It still took about 5 minutes to heat up before the cooking started). However, please understand since the Instant Pot is electric, I am able to set the timer and walk away. There is no boiling over, no mess, and no chance of burning. I don't have to watch it, stir it, or wipe up spills. I am free to leave the kitchen and get involved in something else while it cooks. So, the love affair with the Instant Pot is not just the time factor, it's everything else I just mentioned as well.

vegan and gluten free potato salad

Of course, you could still just boil or steam the potatoes for this recipe on the stove top or any way you like- and then follow the rest of the recipe instructions.

I made a 3 pound bag of potatoes which will probably last in the refrigerator for about 5 days. My husband will plow throw it!  If you have a family to feed, this recipe is filling, delicious, and nourishing.

Covid Notes:  Big mistake going to Costco this week- Despite regulated lines and limiting the number of people who were permitted to enter the store, it was a mob scene and the lines caused people to be too close together. Inside the store was a nightmare near the sections for dairy and the refrigerator room- they limited how many could enter causing a huge like 70 person back up and no where to go, so again way too close together. I got 4 items and LEFT the store with BIG regrets that I even entered..

3 pounds of golden potatoes, peeled and cut into medium pieces (about 8 cups)
3 cups water
3/4 cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice
1/4 cup of olive oil or (my husband's family added 1/2 cup oil )
1/2 cup chopped parsley
1 teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon pepper (or more or less to taste)

Place the steamer trivet inside of the Instant Pot liner or I use a steamer basket that I purchased online. I like the basket because it holds all my cut up veggies for steaming (affiliate links).
Add 3 cups of water.
Set to pressure cook for 8 minutes.
When done, release steam manually according to your manufacturer's directions.
When all steam is released, carefully remove lid and pour potatoes into a large bowl.
Mix together lemon juice, olive oil, and salt and pepper.
Pour over the warm potatoes.
Mix well and add parsley. Mix again and serve warm or refrigerate and serve cold.

Optional: Add 1 cup of diced celery and or 1/4 cup of chopped dill . My husband's family also added 4 chopped hardboiled eggs. 

Notes: Freshly squeezed lemon and fresh herbs such as parsley and dill provide excellent nutrition than may help boost your immune system.

Shared on Beth Fish Read's Weekend Cooking where anyone can share a food related post.

Shared on Souper Sunday where anyone can share a soup, salad, or sammie recipe.


  1. I was just wondering about potato recipes from the Middle East. I didn't think I had any of them. This sounds delicious -- similar to the French pommes a l'huile, but with lemon.

    be well... mae at

    1. My husband's family lived in the Middle East but also lived in Paris- I wonder if they were influenced

  2. Well I am definitely going to try this recipe. If I ever see a fresh lemon again! My husband hasn’t always been a fan of potato salad because they are usually too mayonnaisey - I try not to use much but, maybe it’s a texture thing. This looks very good, thanks for sharing 👍

    1. Tina, Lemon can be frozen. I quarter them and freeze for future use.

  3. Quick, simple and so delicious with a fresh dressing.

  4. I agree that sometimes the idea of Instant Pot (or any electric pressure cooker) is the hands-off / minds-off cooking. I'm not a mayo fan, so this looks really good.

    1. Yes- hand-off is a big advantage.. Beth, this recipe is really good. I hope you will like it.

  5. Pinned this post. Never thought to make potato salad in an instant pot. Thanks for the idea! Happy Passover and stay safe and well.

  6. Yum! I haven't had potato salad in ages, probably since last summer. We're not Jewish, but my husband gave up dairy products for Lent (one more week to go) so we've been making a lot of vegan recipes. This one looks great to have with the chili he's cooking for dinner tonight!

  7. I was thinking about potato salad yesterday. Our Costco has been very good. But I made the mistake of getting a HUGE bag of carrots there earlier in March and left them in the plastic. Had to throw them out the other day which really annoys me!

  8. Yum! I love potato salad of any kind and this one sounds delicious. I have a bag of Yukon Gold potatoes to use up too. Thanks for sharing your salad with Souper Sundays this week too! ;-)

  9. I have a lot of potatoes so this could be for me. Cheers

  10. Instant pot seems so popular in the US. I think we can get them here but not necessarily easily.

  11. I LOVE our Instant Pots. They are so wonderful for dishes like potatoes. Love it.

  12. I think this sounds wonderful. I so UNDER use my IP. I have never thought about using it to cook potatoes. I don't know why???? Thanks for the tip (and recipe)!

  13. This recipe reminds me of my mother's German hot potato salad, only hers used vinegar. Love it.


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