Saturday, March 28, 2020

Whole Roasted Cauliflower with Tahini Dressing

Whole roasted cauliflower makes a lovely presentation, is easy to make, and tastes amazing. 

It gets nice and crispy on the outside, nice and soft on the inside, and is easy to cut up and serve, even though I like to display it first whole. In addition, I make a simple tahini dressing that I drizzle across the cauliflower or used as a dip for after you cut up the pieces. 

roasted cauliflower
Couldn't seem to get my toe out of the photo

 I am a great fan of cauliflower, not just because of its mellow flavor but because of its nutritional benefits. Cauliflower is one of the cruciferous vegetables that has antioxidants that fight free radicals in the body- the free radicals that may cause cancer.  Scientific research indicates that cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, watercress, etc. may help in the prevention of certain cancers. In addition, cauliflower is low in calories and fat. I use cauliflower rice all the time as a substitute for rice which is high in carbs.

This recipe is vegan, naturally gluten free, and kosher parve. In fact, for those who follow the kosher for Passover guidelines, this is a wonderful Passover side dish. For those who are vegetarian, a piece of this could be substituted on the Seder Plate for the roasted shankbone..

Coronavirus Shopping

I've decided that I am going to find creative ways to cook whatever I have in the condo to avoid grocery shopping at this time.

I've stocked up with lemons, oranges, and grapefruits which should last in the refrigerator a minimum of 2 weeks and did you know that you can freeze lemons?  In addition, I have a Costco size bag of frozen blueberries in the freezer, so I feel set for fruit for a while.

I have lots of salad vegetables to make my delicious V-8 shake for at least for a week, and then I'll have to switch over to gluten free oatmeal for breakfast with frozen blueberries for the next week.

I've got lots of dried beans, organic chunky salsa in a jar which I use as the base for many recipes since it's made of onions, tomatoes, peppers, and a little heat. I use any kind of salsa as a base in my Black Bean Salsa Soup. I also make a salsa Spicy Sweet Potato Soup.

1 whole cauliflower, trimmed of the green leaves and washed
Olive oil or avocado oil spray
Himalayan Salt, garlic powder, and onion powder
2 and half cups of water

Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Spray your washed cauliflower with oil spray and give the cauliflower a rub to spread the oil around. Sprinkle with the salt and seasoning and rub again. Place the whole cauliflower in a Pyrex baking dish (one that fits the bottom of your cauliflower, it doesn't need to cover the cauliflower). Add the water and bake for about 40 minutes until your cauliflower starts to get crispy on the outside. Remove from oven and serve immediately while it's nice and crispy.
Cut into sections and dip in the sauce.

Tahini Sauce Ingredients:
2 tablespoons of tahini 
3 tablespoons of lemon juice
3 tablespoons of water
Salt to taste

Tahini Sauce Directions:
Mix all ingredients well and drizzle over the cooked cauliflower or serve it on the side as a dip for after you cut up the cauliflower.

tahini sauce


  1. Totally agree with you on the whole roasted cauliflower! The sesame paste dressing sounds fabulous.

  2. Your recipe looks good — I was just looking at cauliflower recipes for one that I have on hand. I think I’m going to make it with Indian spices and tomato sauce (aloo masala).

    Be Well!... mae at

  3. I adore roasted cauliflower! I usually cut it up but I think this whole version would look terrific on the table.

  4. Pinned this post and will consider making it for Passover. These days, I only make a food run when it's absolutely necessary. I'll see what's available around the 8th. Did pin this post and will definitely try it out soon. Happy Passover and stay safe and well.

  5. We are on the same page! I love cauliflower.
    The tips about freezing lemons is fabulous. We buy a lot of lemons for baking, cooking and squeezing into our water.
    I am also using every part of vegetables. I have baggies for ends of veg in freezer. One of chicken one for beef and sometimes a veg one. All leftovers, veg getting passed their time into them. I even take the ends of onions and the cauliflour leaves etc and throw them in.

  6. Judee, I found that quarantining chart online somewhere, feel free to use it.

  7. Great colour on that cauli. Stay safe. Kia kaha

  8. We do enjoy roasted cauliflower!

  9. This looks so good, can't wait to try it! Thanks so much for sharing your awesome talent with us at Full Plate Thursday,and come back to see us soon!
    Stay Healthy!
    Miz Helen


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