Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Energy Balls- High Protein

energy balls

Do you love cookie dough? 

These little high protein energy balls are all the rage on Pinterest right now and are made with chickpeas! Yes I did say chickpeas and no, they don't taste weird.

Chickpeas + peanut butter powder = high protein
I not only used chickpeas, I used peanut butter powder, making these gluten free energy balls a high protein energizing snack that will keep at least 3 days in the fridge.

gluten free energy balls

I looked at about 10 different recipes before deciding to try my luck at creating my own. 
This recipe is EASY and TASTY is a great idea to make with kids or by yourself while we are all stuck in the house looking for things to do. 

It's very adaptable to variations, so please feel free to use vanilla extract or orange blossom water extract, and roll in cinnamon, coconut flakes, sliced almonds, ground pistachios, cocoa, seeds, or add to the dough dried cranberries, raisins, or chocolate chips! If you like cookie dough, you'll like these too. 

vegan energy balls
Plain and Chocolate Chip
Weight Watchers- 12 of these plain (no chocolate chips, nuts, seeds, etc.) energy balls have 2 points As a Weight Watcher, I am looking for low point, nutrient dense, high energy snack recipes. I adapted the basic recipe to work for me on the blue program! 

Of course I had to offer a version to my husband that he might actually try and like, so I added chocolate chips for him and made him his own batch. 

Many of the recipes I looked at on Pinterest called for vanilla extract- 
I didn't have any, but I did had orange blossom water extract that I used a month ago for my easy Middle Eastern Mehalebeyah pudding recipe.  So, that's what I used. You can use any extract flavor that you like. Cinnamon was another choice and tasted great! 

This recipe is gluten free, grain free, egg free, soy free, vegan, dairy free, parve, but not nut free.. -sorry 

2 cups of cooked chickpeas, drained well 
2 tablespoons of peanut butter powder
1 teaspoon of orange blossom water or vanilla extract
Liquid stevia to taste (or 2 tablespoons maple syrup)

Place all of the ingredients in the food processor. Pulse on and off until you have the consistency of cookie dough. Mix in chocolate chips, raisins, dried cranberries, nuts, seeds, etc. 
Form into 12 balls. Roll in cinnamon, chopped pistachios, coconut, or seeds of your choice, 

Sharing on Beth Fish Reads where anyone can share a food related post.


  1. Just done with my workout...would love a couple of them now :-) They look so good.

  2. You are really creative with the variations on this recipe!

    Be Well! ... mae at

  3. Hi Judee, Thank you for coming over. I don't have a written recipe for the Squash Soup, but this is what i did, mostly by eye and taste: sauteed a couple of onions, garlic and thyme in a little olive oil, then scooped out oven roasted squash wedges. Added some vegetable stock and simmered until thickish. Seasoned to taste. Serves with a drizzle of olive and homemade croutons. Hope this helps.

    Also so glad you came by, as it got me to repay the compliment and land on your energy ball cookie dough recipe, intrigued by these esp as made with cooked tinned chickpeas and hope to give them a go in the future.

  4. I'd love to taste these. Chickpeas in cookies sounds interesting.

  5. I could certainly use a dozen of these or at least an injection of the energy that i can get from them! Perfect for helping us stay more healthy these days. Hope you're doing well Judee!

  6. I always love WW friendly recipes as I'm on the blue track too... thanks for sharing the points, too! We'd love to have you visit and link-up at Tuesday Turn About via! Hope to see you there!


Your comments are appreciated. I love knowing who is stopping by to read my posts! Have a great day.