Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Wordless Wednesday- Oleta River State Park

 Oleta River State Park is in South Florida and offers camping, hiking, kayaking, bicycling for sport. There is also a lagoon type beach that is calm as a lake. It is located in North Miami and very close to the beach.

Last week when my older son and his family was visiting we hiked one day and kayaked another day. Here are some of our photos.


???The big red berry/fruit was totally baffling to all of us. I have never seen anything like it. 
Does anyone know what it is? I would love to know.. thanks..????


  1. It appears to be miracle fruit, Synsepalum dulcificum. It's possible that when you've seen it in the past it has been blooming and had white flowers vs berries. It seems that in the 80s, there was an attempt to market it as it made sour foods sweet (without sugar) but the FDA classified it as a food additive and wanted food safety studies, which were determined to be cost prohibitive, it seems.

    1. Thank Shirley- I had no idea and I'm so glad that you were able to tell me. The fruit is so beautiful but I had never seen anything like it before. Happy New Year

    2. You're welcome! I love doing research, Judee, and looked it up. The leaves reminded me of a water oak tree. http://knowledgebase.lookseek.com/Water-Oak-Quercus-nigra.html

  2. I think my mom used to grow this fruit in her garden over here on our tropical side of the pond but I didn't know it was a miracle fruit! How fascinating!

  3. I don't know what those big red berries are...but they look beautiful! Have a wonderful day, Judee.

  4. I'm not familiar with the plant. The red berries are attractive.

  5. Beautiful plant. The berries are uniquely shaped.

  6. Looking great and you do have beautiful weather. See ya Judee.

    Cruisin Paul

  7. You seem to have found the answer to your query Judee. Isn't the Internet wonderful?

  8. I enjoyed your hiking photos Judee. The Synsepalum dulcificum is an interesting plant. I am glad someone could come to the rescue!

  9. Thanks for taking us along on your walk with your lovely photos!

    Your post is a great addition to 'My Corner of the World' this week!

    My Corner of the World

  10. I have not seen such red berries but the leaves do look familiar.

  11. beautiful Photos, I don't know her either!
    Greetings Elke


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