Saturday, January 25, 2020

Hearts of Palm Salad

Dinner salad with hearts of palm

Hearts of palms are a perfect addition to any salad. They have a great taste, are low in calories and fat but high in nutrients.  This is a picture of the salad that I shared with my husband last night for dinner before we mixed it.

Not only did I use hearts of palm, but I added some of my other favorite vegetables:
purple radicchio, cucumber, artichoke, spring mix, avocado. walnuts, and sunflower seeds. You can use any proportion according to your own tastes and preferences.

Plant Foods Offer Protective Antioxidants that are vital for optimal health 
I like to use a variety of vegetables in my salads to keep them interesting and to include more plant based healthy foods in my diet everyday.  Since plant based foods such as fruits, vegetables, and legumes are pretty much our only sources of protective antioxidants, it's important to eat as much of them as you are able.

Department of Health Guidelines
Even the Department of Health suggests that Americans should be eating a minimum of 5 fruits and or vegetables a day,  and that is conservative number compared to the vegetable consumption in Europe. Apparently scientific studies are indicating that there is a strong correlation between diet and disease and that increasing plant based foods in one's diet may be preventative as well as healing.

That's why I include a green or berry smoothie, a big salad, and usually a bowl of plant based soup in my daily diet.

dark green smoothie

Most of the time I begin with Romaine or another green as my base, and then I like to choose from a variety of add ins.

There are as many ways to make a salad as there are cooks. The great thing about salads is that you can be as creative as you like and you can make a different salad every day of the week. 

 Since I eat salad every day,  I like to vary the items I select for my salad.

Salads are essential for our health  (unless you have digestive or other health issues), and they don't have to be boring. Mix it up everyday with a variety of greens, chopped red cabbage, sprouts, tomatoes, cucumbers, grated carrots, hearts of palm, artichokes, nuts, berries etc.

If you can't eat raw vegetables, try making soup. One of my favorites is my flu fighting soup 

One of my favorite salads is my Kale Blueberry Salad and orange cashew dressing.

Of course all of my recipes are vegan and gluten free.

kale salad with blueberries
I love this salad

Shared on Beth Fish Reads Weekend Cooking where anyone can share a food related post.

Also shared on Souper Sunday where anyone can share a soup, salad, or sammie recipe.

Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor and I am not trying to diagnose or treat disease.
Always check with your doctor before making any dietary changes.


  1. Vegetables are definitely delicious and add color at this sad time of year.

    best... mae at

  2. I love salads of all kinds so that looks yummy to me.

  3. Kale blueberry salad looks crisp and lush!
    I love salads.

  4. I haven't bought hearts of palm for awhile but just saw some fresh ones the other day and think I need to. Your salad looks delicious. Thanks for sharing at Souper Sundays this week! ;-)

  5. We eat a lot of fruit and vegetables here as well as homemade soups from all the odds and ends.

    I'm thinking of roasting chickpeas to replace croutons.

  6. This sounds and looks incredibly delicious and perfect for the winter!

  7. Now what exactly are hearts of palm??? Cheers

  8. Hearts of palm are on of my favorite things! This looks delicious.

  9. I don't think I have ever heard of heart of palm before!

  10. Don't usually think of hearts of palms as a salad ingreient. Thanks for the tip. Lovely recipe for cashew dressing as well. We usually eat two salads a day at my house. You and I know greens and veggies are loaded with nutrients. When salad fixings are fresh, they taste and look fabulous-just like those you served last night.

  11. Be still my heart! I love hearts of palm and your salad is on my must-make list and at the very top of that list! I can't wait to try this! Thanks so much Judee!

  12. I've heard of hearts of palm, but I've never tried it. What really caught my eye was orange cashew dressing and blueberry kale salad!

  13. Congratulations! Your post is featured on Full Plate Thursday,470 this week. Thanks so much for sharing your talent with us and come back to see us real soon!
    Miz Helen


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