Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Fabulous Hummus Appetizer

hummus appetizer with olives, roasted tomatoes, and chick peas

Need a fabulous appetizer for your next party? Try this homemade hummus appetizer. It's a whole party of mezze in one. 

Mezze is a word associated with Middle Eastern appetizers which basically means small plates that are made with the intention of stimulating one's appetite.

This hummus platter includes all kinds of mezze in just one appetizer and not only makes a beautiful presentation but is healthy for you too.

Beautiful Healthy Toppings
I used all the ingredients that we love:
Oven roasted cherry tomatoes (or try other roasted veggies), additional soft creamy chick peas, green, black, and Kalamata olives, freshly chopped cilantro, capers, freshly chopped parsley, cumin, za'atar and a splash of extra virgin oil.

The Key is the Homemade Hummus
Despite the fabulous toppings, the secret to the special taste is in the hummus. This hummus is homemade-from scratch and homemade hummus is creamier, fluffier, and much tastier than store bought.

The combination of the homemade hummus and the delectable toppings makes this a show stopper!

Use All Kinds Of Olives

red, black, and Greek olives

We Took the Party Outside
I served this beautiful hummus platter at a family last minute cocktail hour along with salads and other appetizers outside on my deck.

Tomatoes, Tomato Salad, Carpaccio

We Had A Variety of Appetizers 
 My son Jonathan and daughter-in-law Wendy brought a homemade pineapple and avocado guacamole, my friend Vicki brought her sweet and savory mango peach salad , I made lebnah with za'atar, and lots of raw veggies, my sister in law, Joyci, brought salads and my mother in law, Toni, brought beautiful flowers and 3 tubs of ice cream! 
party appetizer - mango salsa
We had a great time outdoors in the cool evening air eating our appetizers, laughing, and enjoying!

Middle Eastern appetizers
We moved everything outside 

 I originally spotted this hummus platter on a private Middle Eastern recipe group that I belong to on Facebook where lots of interesting ethnic recipes are shared everyday! There was no exact recipe for this platter; there was only a photo. I improvised!

The Hummus Platter Was Easy to Assemble 
The platter itself is quick and easy to assemble. It's advisable to make all the toppings in advance. I made my own hummus in the Instant Pot and roasted the cherry tomatoes the day before. Then I assembled the platter in the morning. 

Everything is Gluten Free and Vegan
This appetizer is attention- grabbing, interesting, and absolutely delicious. The kind of dip that keeps everyone coming back for more!

2-3 cups of homemade hummus 
2 cups of roasted cherry tomatoes
1/2 cup of chopped parsley
1/4 cup of chopped cilantro
1/2 cup of green pitted olives
1/4 cup of Kalimata pitted olives
1/2 cup of slice black olives
1/2 cup of cooked chick peas
1/4 cup of capers

Place 2 cups of hummus on a large plate. Using the back of a spoon, flatten the hummus in a circular motion. Sprinkle with cumin, paprika, and optional za'atar. Top with all the toppings. Serve immediately or store in the refrigerator overnight.

How to roast your cherry tomatoes
1. Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees
2. Wash and cut cherry tomatoes in half
3. Place in a bowl and toss with olive oil, salt and pepper
4. Spread on a rimmed cookie sheet covered with parchment paper. 
5. Roast in the oven until tomatoes begin to wilt.

My Notes: 
It is difficult to determine the exact amount of hummus you will need to fill your plate or platter. It depends on the size of the plate. I used a dinner plate !

Shared on Weekend Cooking at Beth Fish Reads Blog where anyone can share a food related post. 


  1. What a fantastic idea!I am drooling over those olives.

  2. It looks amazing! It has been a few months since I had hummus so it looks quite appetizing!

  3. This looks wonderful! Thank you for sharing. Your homemade hummus must be amazing!

  4. I tried a few times to make my own hummus but it never works out. I do enjoy chick peas roasted in olive oil with garlic. A bit crunchy!

    1. Phil,
      I will be posting a really easy and delicious hummus recipe . I think you would have success with this recipe and it is soooo good.

  5. Beautiful hummus platter and I love the idea of topping with all kind of olive, tomatoes, much more attractive. Thanks for the inspiration.
    Have a great rest of the week!

  6. This hummus platter looks so good! I can't wait to try it!

  7. That hummus platter looks great! Thanks for the recipe for homemade hummus ... we will have to give it a go!

    1. I think you will find that it is easy to make and really makes a great presentation! Its a show stopper for a party!

  8. Love this idea, Judee! So adaptable according to what you have on hand and preferences of those you are serving.

    1. Shirley,
      I know and it's the best for a gluten free appetizer. Loaded hummus with the works !! I use celery for dippers

  9. Replies
    1. Thank you. It was quite a party and we enjoyed every morsel especially the hummus platter

  10. The hummus platter looks amazing! Love the idea, Judee.

  11. Nice! Thanks for commenting on my blog. I have a bunch of food allergies including wheat.

  12. Your platter of hummus and vegetables looks delicious. Of course hummus is popular throughout the Middle East, but I'm familiar with the Israeli versions, which tend to be vegan because of the dietary laws about not having meat and dairy at the same time, as you know. Vegan goes with either type of meal. You didn't say what you served as a "scoop" for the hummus... pita bread wouldn't be gluten free, so I assume you had a substitute.

    best... mae at

    1. Mae,
      Yes, that is the biggest source of gluten contamination- dipping non gluten free crackers into the dip.
      I hardly partake when I am at a party for fear of getting glutanized and sick

  13. Mae,
    I used to serve pita for the "Non gluten free" guests. However, I soon realized that they dipped right into the dip causing contamination for those of us who were gluten free. So, yes my "scoopers" were gluten free chips and lots of cucumber slices and celery sticks.

  14. What a great presentation for your loaded hummus platter, it all looks delicious! Thanks so much for sharing your awesome post with us at Full Plate Thursday,447 this week. Hope you have a great Labor Day Weekend and come back to see us real soon!
    Miz Helen

  15. I love hummus and olives but always purchase too much and have to throw it out - I need to make my own so that it's just enough for me. #TrafficJamWeekend

    1. When I buy hummus in the store , we always have it left over. If you make your own , I think you will finish it. We never leave even a drop

  16. I love the simple and classic version of hummus, but I love this version more - so many wonderful additions! Thank you for sharing at Fiesta Friday party!

    1. Using hummus as a base for all the toppings makes it a full appetizer all in one. It is perfect for gluten free, vegan, dairy free!

  17. We love hummus and olives!! YUMMMMMM

  18. I am a big fan of hummus but nothing compares to the homemade. What a spread you have on the patio. Hope your Miami home is spared any damage from Dorian!

    1. Tina,
      If you are a fan of hummus, you will love this loaded hummus platter with the olives and roasted tomatoes, etc. Great for a party

  19. I've made hummus before and added toppings but I never thought of roasting the tomatoes! I can't wait to give this a try and what a beautiful presentation!

  20. I'm making this dish for Rosh Hashanah tonight - along with a sugar-free, gluten-free apple crumble. Thanks for the recipe ad the beautiful photos.


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