Sunday, May 5, 2019

Powerful Anti Cancer Smoothie

This smoothie is based on the suggestions of Dr. Kristi Funk who is a cutting edge doctor/surgeon who has treated many celebrities including Angelina Jolie! Dr. Funk does extensive research on the effects of food and lifestyle on cancer!

She is convinced by research that she can reduce women's risks of getting cancer by diet and lifestyle.

She has written a book called " Breasts" - The Manual -


In addition, she is all over Youtube with really interesting information everyone could benefit from. Kristi is  personable, motivational, and a joy to hear. 

I was so inspired by the work of Dr. Kristi Funk that I'm sharing her uplifting Youtube Video that she says is a cancer kicking smoothie-

New Book - Breasts: The Owner's Manual- by Dr. Kristi Funk


She explains each ingredient and shares what

Watch This Video


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  1. Not a smoothie fan, prefer to chew the veggies :-) But if it's healthy and good for us, I will take it! have a great week, Judee.

  2. Videos excellent and loaded with info. Will pin and reshare.

  3. Thank you for linking up with #BloggingGrandmothersLinkParty. I've pinned this post!

  4. Hi Judee,
    We do smoothies a lot at our house...we are whole food plant based here, as much as possible, and know that there are foods that "turn on" and "turn off" cancer genes. VERY important to choose healthy foods.
    Sharing to SM from Blogging Grandmothers.

  5. I love anything with blueberries! I have also been eating as many plant-based meals as possible. What a difference it has made on my arthritis!


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