Thursday, April 25, 2019

How To Make Almond Flour in Minutes

Got Almonds? You can make almond flour in minutes in your food processor.

bowl of almonds

Use raw unsalted almonds, blanched almonds, or slivered almonds. Any of those will work.

For each cup of almonds that you process, you end up with a little more than a cup of almond flour.

almond flour

It's that easy and simple. You can make your own almond flour in minutes.

How do I use almond flour?-

I make gluten free cakes and cookies.

I made my almond flour in my food processor. I pulsed for 3-4 seconds at a time for about 20 times. Suddenly, I had a very workable flour that is gluten free, kosher for Passover, and healthy.

You do not want to allow the food processor to run too long as you may end up with almond butter.

1 cup of almonds

Use the metal blade in your food processor. Place almonds in the food processor, close lid and pulse about 15-20 times for about 3-4 seconds each burst until your almonds turn into a meal/flour type texture. Use in recipes that call for almond flour or almond meal.

Amazing Baked Donuts
baked gluten free donuts

Almond Shortbread Cookies

gluten free almond cookies

Gluten Free Batter Challah

gluten free challah

Shared on Weekend Cooking at Bethfishreads where anyone can share a food related post.


  1. I love to bake with almond flour! That challah looks really inviting.

  2. Angie,
    The challah is more like a cake than a bread. It slices beautifully and makes amazing french toast. I used a challah mold to get it to shape and look like a challah..

  3. I have so many gluten free types of flour in my pantry I am trying to use up, including almond so these recipes will come in handy.

  4. Your warning about the risk that it will become almond butter instead of almond flour is good -- I have always been afraid to try almond flour because of warnings like that. All your recipes look very interesting

    best... mae at

  5. that is easy! Cheers from CArole's chatter

  6. Yum! Question: do you find that some recipes do better w/ the almond flour that is a bit more refined (does not include the outer portion)? Just curious because some recipes I have call for almost flour "without the skins"....are "the skins" the brown portion on the outside? I use them pretty interchangeably but just wondering your thoughts.

  7. I never knew it was just that easy to make almond flour. And if I over process? We love almond butter too. LOL

  8. I have a dry blender cup for my VitaMix and have made almond meal and almond flour a few times. Very easy and saves buying small amounts.


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