Sunday, April 28, 2019

Which fruits have the most pesticides?

basket of strawberries

Do you know which fruits and vegetables are the heavily sprayed with lots of pesticides and potentially dangerous? 

Every year the EWG (Environmental Workers Group) publishes a list of the twelve foods that are most heavily sprayed with pesticides. They call it the Dirty Dozen. They also publish a list of the Clean 15.  I've included their suggestions in this post!

Saturday, April 13, 2019

5 Minute Red Pepper Soup-Zero Points

vegan roasted red pepper soup

Red pepper soup is one of my favorite soups. But I often don't have the time or interest to heat up the oven to slow roast the peppers. After eating this delicious soup at a friend's house, I asked for the recipe. I was shocked to find out that she actually made this soup in just 5 minutes in the blender using a jar of roasted peppers! The results are a rich tasty soup that is both high in protein and flavor.