Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Baba Ganoush with Sweet Meyer Lemon twist - a healthy Dip

This is no ordinary Baba Ganoush
The juice of sweet Meyer lemon is brilliant in this traditional Baba Ganoush!
Have you resolved to make healthier snack choices this holiday season?

This easy Mediterranean vegan dip provides lots of fiber, nutrients, and taste.
It's actually a show stopper!

Roasted eggplant, cooked chick peas, juice from Meyer lemon, fresh lime juice and Mediterranean spices blend into a wonderful dip that can be eaten with gluten free  baked chips, gluten free crackers, or WW simple to make 1 point gluten free bagel rolls. ( no yeast - simply mix and bake) 

I'm making this for New Years's Day with my WW gluten free bagel rolls!

Slice open the roasted eggplant

Scoop out the roasted eggplant

Information about Meyer lemons 

Sweet , less acidic and more fragrant than regular lemons.

According to Wikipedia

"Citrus × meyeri, the Meyer lemon, is a hybrid citrus fruit native to China. It is a cross between a citron and a mandarin/pomelo hybrid distinct from the common or bitter oranges. Mature trees are around 6 to 10 ft tall with dark green shiny leaves. Flowers are white with a purple base and fragrant. Wikipedia

An article in the Los Angeles times called 100 Things To Do with a Meyer Lemon shared that Meyer lemons are 

"A cross between a lemon and a sweet orange, imported to the U.S. from China exactly 100 years ago by the man whose name they bear, the Meyer lemon is a furiously addictive fruit"

Most Meyer lemons are now grown in California, many in people's backyards- and the fruit is seasonal
Author: Judee Algazi @ Gluten Free A-Z 
Prep: 15 minutes + cook time
Cook Time: 45 minutes
Serves: 1 large bowl of dip 


1 cup ( or more) of roasted eggplant pulp
2 tablespoons of tahini
1/2 teaspoon cumin 
juice of 1/2 lime 
juice of 1/2 Meyer lemon 
Himalayan pink salt and freshly cracked pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 400 degrees-
Place a whole ( washed) eggplant on a parchment lined cookie sheet and bake for about 1/2 hour until soft. Remove from oven, slice eggplant down the middle, discard excess seeds and juice, and reserve the roasted eggplant and set aside.

Using a food processor and the metal blade, add the cooked chickpeas, tahini, cooled eggplant, cumin, lime juice, Meyer lemon juice, salt and pepper. Blend in the food processor until smooth.

Remove from food processor and place in a bowl or flat plate. Spread the surface somewhat flat and garnish with a little more cumin and 2 tablespoons of whole cooked chickpeas.

Shared on Weekend Cooking where anyone is welcome to share a food related post. 

My notes: 

  • You can use canned chick peas


  1. Simple, healthy and delicious...a perfect dip! Those mix and bake rolls look amazing too, Judee.

  2. The rolls are made from chickpea flour and take only 20 minutes

  3. I’ve never made Baba Ganoush but I love it so much. I’ve always had it in restaurants or bought it premade, thanks for posting the recipe!

  4. Meyer lemons are really wonderful -- I agree with you that the taste would go well with baba ganoush, though I like to make the eggplant spread with only eggplant, and save the chick peas for a different dip.

    Have a great New Year!
    best... mae at

  5. I'm going to give your Baba Ganoush a go, it's been way too long; though will probably make it with my always producing "Hawaiian lemons" :)

  6. OOOOOHHHHH I love, love love baba ganoush! I'll have to try your version. YUM

  7. I agree with you about Meyer lemons - my absolute faves. Cheers and Happy New Year

  8. Love the website-- extremely user pleasant and whole lots to see!

  9. Happy New Year Judee,
    What a very special snack to ring in the new year! Thanks so much for sharing your special talent with us at Full Plate Thursday and may you have a safe & prosperous new year!

  10. This looks wonderful, Judee! I love Baba Ganoush.


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