Sunday, November 4, 2018

Roasted Garlic Bulbs For Taste and Health

roasted garlic

Have you ever had roasted garlic in an Italian restaurant? Amazing Right?

Unlike raw garlic, roasted garlic is soft, mild tasting, and creamy. It is delicious eaten alone, spread on bread ( gluten free of course), added to pasta ( gluten free) or vegetable dishes.

It's really easy to make and makes a beautiful interesting presentation when served as a bulb!

roasted garlic bulbs

Each little pocket if filled with a soft wonderful roasted treat.
I like the idea of serving it as a vegetable- one bulb for each person as a side vegetable. I ate two of them.

Antibiotic Properties- Can it beat a cold? 
Now here is the best part. Not only does roasted garlic taste amazing, it is really good for you. It actually has antiviral and antibiotic properties. Perfect for flu season!

The other day I was starting to come down with a cold. I started my routine of hot herbal tea, Manuka honey, and extra vitamin C and zinc.

I came across an article that said to eat 2 roasted bulbs of garlic for its antibiotic properties at the start of a cold. I figured I had nothing to lose so I tried it. I have to say by the morning my cold was gone. Now I did this before my cold became full blown. I find you have to catch it right away at the first onset.

Thanksgiving Side Vegetable? 

It taste so good, that I am thinking of serving it as a side for Thanksgiving! Or maybe as an appetizer to spread on gluten free bread!

Yes, garlic is full of antioxidants and has antibiotic and antiviral properties.

Roasted garlic

So if you are looking for something a little different to add to your Thanksgiving table, try roasted garlic . 

I drizzled the garlic bulbs with olive oil, cracked pepper, and Himalayan pink salt. What a flavor!!
It doesn't have the sharp bitey taste of raw garlic. The roasted garlic is mellow and mild tasting.

1 bulb of garlic per person
olive oil or olive oil spray
Cracked pepper
Himalayan pink salt

Preheat oven to 375 degrees
Remove paper from each garlic bulb as much as possible.
Slice across the top of the garlic to get a flat surface
Place garlic in a greased baking dish
Drizzle with olive oil ( or spray with olive oil spray)
Dress with cracked pepper and salt
Cover dish with foil and bake for about 30 minutes until garlic is soft.
Remove and serve warm or at room temperature.

Use a small cocktail fork and remove garlic from inside of each pocket

roasted garlic bulbs


  1. Awesome! I could eat a few of them when they were right out of the oven :-) So aromatic and creamy.

    1. I know . Roasting really brings out a different wonderful flavor

  2. Pinned this and love roasted garlic. I make it often and use it to flavor veggie dishes, on artisan bread, or on grilled tofu or cauliflower.

  3. Roasted garlic is amazing! I've never served it this way but have roasted the garlic like this and have spread the softened garlic on a pizza crust instead of cheese. So, so good! And who doesn't need those health benefits of "mega garlic"?


  4. Good idea! But you don't need a fork: you can just squeeze the garlic out of its natural covering with your thumb and fingers. I like to roast it with other vegetables and spread it on them.

    best... mae at

  5. I roast it to mix with butter for garlic bread. I also do it for an appetizer of roasted garlic and goat cheese of (GF) baguettes.

  6. Roasting whole bulbs of garlic is something I want to try, for taste as well as for cold deterring, especially at this time of year. We'll have to have a much larger supply on hand.

  7. I love roasted garlic and sometimes do up a bunch of cloves either in the oven or overnight in my slow cooker. So good on veggies and bread--anything really. ;-)

  8. I've roasted garlic with other vegetables but never just by itself.

  9. I love garlic for the amazing health benefits these are packed with, but eating raw garlic is difficult plus its strong smell sticks to hands and mouth. Thanks for the recipe of roasted garlic.

  10. Thanks for the roasted garlic idea and recipe,, now it is a lot easy to consume garlic for the health benefits it provides.


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