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Friday, October 5, 2018

Beware of Organic Produce- Scary

Yesterday while shopping in the supermarket, I picked up the package of roasted chestnuts that I saw  was labeled USDA organic. As I continued to shop, I began to wonder which country my roasted chestnuts were from.- I was shocked when I read on the back that they were USDA organic from China. CHINA?????? 

I was confused. I know that this highly polluted country has a poor record when it comes to offering healthy products, especially food. Ordinarily, I would not ever consider buying any food or produce that came from a country as polluted as China. However, since it was USDA organic, I gave it some thought.

I wondered, " Is it possible to be organic from China? " 
I bought the roasted chestnuts because they were very inexpensive and I needed them for a chestnut mushroom soup I wanted to post. Maybe the price of the product should have been my clue. The package was only $2.19 as opposed to another brand in a jar that was like $14 from the USA and not organic. The ones I bought were organic and only $2.19 !!!

I decided to research organic produce from China. This is what I found out. 
Yes, produce can be grown organically in China. However, since there is so much pollution in China, there is concern that the rain supply and the rivers contain a heavy amount of lead and other toxins that get into the soil and on the plants. In addition, much of the water used to water the crops is from polluted highly polluted rivers. 

Here is a quote I took from a website called the True Activist: 

"Even if “organically grown” food from China was in fact that, the quality of the water used in the production of food intended for export is so contaminated that a person could fall ill just by handling it. Much of China’s industrial-scale agriculture is found along the Yellow and Yangtze Rivers, both of which are extremely polluted. This is because thousands upon thousands of Chinese factories also line these same rivers, adding their chemical waste to the same water used to irrigate the country’s food supply."

Read More: http://www.trueactivist.com/organic-food-from-china-found-to-be-highly-contaminated/

Another article from a website called Natural News says, 

"Organic farming in a clean environment produces clean, organic foods. But organic farming in a polluted environment produces contaminated organic foods. And China is one of the most polluted chemical cesspools on the planet."

In addition, one company said that they purchased from China and the sample they were sent was organic but that the actual full supply they received didn't meet the same standards when tested. So the company didn't feel the supplies were trust worthy. 

Personally from what I've researched, I will not buy USDA approved organic products from China. I will return or discard my roasted chestnuts that I just purchased- 

But it got me thinking. How often do I really check to see which country a product comes from? 

I trust USDA organic and never before ever looked to see where it was actually from. 

So- I started checking and I found out my gluten free rice crackers were from Poland or Czec Republic!!!!! Who even knew- I wonder about their standards but also wonder about the effects in their soil from the Chernobyl disaster. - I did a little research and yes it's possible that 30 years later there could still be radiation in the soil- oy!!

All I can say is read your labels very carefully and KNOW where you food is coming from. 

I will from now on.. This was an eye opener for me!

What do you think? How do you feel about it?
please comment.... 

Shared on Beth Fish Reads Weekend Cooking
where anyone can share a food related post  


  1. Having done a river cruise along the Yangtze I can say I would not buy anything "otganic" from there. We get packages of 3 garlic from China and I refuse to buy them even though they are cheaper, they are hard as rocks compared to the fresh local in a basket at the store.

    1. I haven't been to China but I appreciate the affirmation that organic from China may be toxic.

  2. Ugh! I usually take the time to see where my food comes from, but I'm going to change from "usually" to "always."

    1. I feel the same way Beth. I usually assume that organic means I don't have to check! I found out differently

  3. I wouldnt trust anything from China, they have woeful records of animal and human cruelty as well as dodgy farming practices. there are way too many people in China to live in any harmony with their land.

    1. Naomi,
      Thanks for your feedback. I agree totally that food from China doesn't make me comfortable.

  4. Hee hee ... re the Kiwi ... New Zealanders call themselves Kiwis - not after the fruit but after our national bird the Kiwi! The Kiwi element was the beetroot. Cheers

    1. Carole,
      I'm not sure where the Kiwi came in and what you mean by beetroot. but I'll chuckle with you!

  5. China is notorious for fraud, contamination, mislabeling, and worse. Remember when they poisoned their own babies with fake milk? My efforts are to avoid EVER buying a Chinese product. Canada produces some good dumplings and other foods, and there are many alternate sources for Asian sauces (hoisin, soy, chili-garlic paste, and so on).

    Best... mae at maefood.blogspot.com

    1. Mae,
      I'm with you! I like to look for products from Canada or USA - however, you do have to be careful because I've also noticed that some products are only assembled in USA and they don't really reveal product origin.

  6. We grow most of our vegetables and are very careful when purchasing product that it does not come from a foreign country, we are very careful and try to buy local product! Thanks so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and have a great week!
    Miz Helen

    1. Miz Helen,
      I think local is key.. I know you have a wonderful crop of veggies each year! A lot of work but worth it I'm sure.


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