Thursday, October 25, 2018

Badass Affirmations and Real Life Mindfulness- Book Reviews

The holidays are around the corner and if you are thinking about stocking stuffers, these are two pocket size books that you will get a big bang for the buck. Anyone who is into self care and self help books would appreciate these helpful uplifting guides.

I am a firm believer in taking time for self care. Prevention is the best medicine.

Badass Affirmation - The Wit and Wisdom of Wild Women by Becca Anderson is a collection of uplifting and inspiring quotes by celebrities and other well known woman like Maya Angelou, Gloria Steinman, Aretha Franklin, Katherine Hepburn, Bette Midler, Joan Baez, Margaret Thatcher etc. In addition, the author adds her own affirmations and short bio's about many of the women. The book focuses on courage, journaling, and actively using daily affirmations to build courage and self esteem. 

I really enjoyed reading the book, had a few chuckles, a few insights, and was inspired by the wit and wisdom of everyone from Madonna to Michelle Obama! It's a great book to keep on the nightstand and browse through each night for some inspiration and reminders of how other woman overcame obstacles and had the courage to come out stronger.  Very helpful and inspiring!

Great stocking stuffer and girlfriend book.. check it out!______________________________________________________________________________


Real Life Mindfulness

Becca Anderson seems to be the self help guru .  Real Life Mindfulness is one of seven small books that focus on self help and self improvement.  In this book, Becca shares meditations for a calm and quiet mind. 

The write up from Amazon: 

Spiritual self care: Real Life Mindfulness is a series of reflections that can illuminate every aspect of life. Authors Elise Marie Collins and Becca Anderson offer readers guidance on using the opportune moments between everything else in life for spiritual self care. In the same way we lovingly tend a garden, so does our soul require nourishment and attention. Your happiness quotient will soar with the practices and meditations in Real Life Mindfulness.

Control stress and anxiety: By following the suggestions in this gentle guide, you’ll be able to focus on becoming more fully awake to who you really are. In her own words, Elise Marie Collins adds, “People are overbooked, overcommitted and often feel lost and filled with anxiety. I went through this myself and found my way to back to myself through the practice of mindfulness. You can, too.” In just a few minutes a day, Real Life Mindfulness will bring you the calmness and clarity that an over-demanding schedule steals from you

My review: 
Real Life Mindfulness explains about the author's daily meditation practice, the benefits of meditation, and some interesting insights about those who meditate. In addition, the author shares a collection of quotes by famous people related to the mind and meditation. Each chapter begins with instructions for a short meditation exercise. This small book is very useful for beginning a meditation practice to relieve stress. Could make a nice gift for the holidays- another stocking stuffer.

I found both books delightful and inspiring. My only negative of the two books is that the print is  small and light. They are both small books, so I had a little struggle reading the print.

If you would like to know more about this book for yourself or a gift: 

Real Life Mindfulness: Meditations for a Calm and Quiet Mind

Disclaimer: I received these books from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. 
In addition, I am an affiliate for Amazon .


  1. I've got Badass Affirmations on my to-read list! Thank you for sharing!

  2. These two books look very interesting. I've been more into self care lately and would like to see how I could fit in some positive affirmations and short meditations. The meditation book may make a good teacher's gift for holiday gift. Thanks for the review!!!


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