Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Wordless Wednesday- Professionally Carved Pumpkins

Welcome to Wordless Wednesday!

My neighbor is a professional pumpkin carver- 
His work is amazing! He does them all by hand!
Take a look at these amazing carved pumpkins!

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Lip Smacking Butternut Squash Soup- Instant Pot

The combination of butternut squash, sweet organic carrots, and tart green apple produces a bright orange lip smacking fall soup.

The temperatures dipped to 35 degrees last night making it truly soup weather. I hosted a family dinner for my brother in law and sister in law who were visiting us from Florida .

Badass Affirmations and Real Life Mindfulness- Book Reviews

The holidays are around the corner and if you are thinking about stocking stuffers, these are two pocket size books that you will get a big bang for the buck. Anyone who is into self care and self help books would appreciate these helpful uplifting guides.

I am a firm believer in taking time for self care. Prevention is the best medicine.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Creamy Parsnip Soup- Instant Pot or Not

Are you familiar with the parsnip? It is a root vegetable that looks like a carrot but is white.
It's loaded with nutrients and tastes mild and delicious especially in soup. It is sold in a bag in the produce isle of the supermarket.

I but them in the supermarket in a bag

I frequently add a parsnip to soup recipes to give a soup a little extra sweetness, but this is the first time I actually made a parsnip soup. It's a nice soothing comforting creamy soup.

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Turn Acorn Squash Into A Soup Server

If you are looking for a good idea for Thanksgiving, look no farther.
Acorn Squash and mini pumpkins make beautiful decorative serving pieces for fall holidays!  This delicious server is easy to make-

Thanksgiving vegan soup in acorn squash

Colors of Joy : A Woman's Guide for Self Discovery- Book Reveiw

A few years ago, I came across a blogger who shares many of my beliefs about healthy lifestyle. I've enjoyed reading her blog, interacting with comments, and becoming blog friends. Nancy is the author of the book Colors of Joy and the blog Colors 4 Health.

Colors of Joy

Friday, October 12, 2018

Roasted Chestnut Mushroom Soup

Looking for something a little different for the holidays? Chestnuts are in season, and they make a rich tasting holiday soup! It's definitely something unique that will delight your family and friends. I plan to make it for Thanksgiving! Bags of chestnuts are available in the supermarket this time of year and the recipe is easy.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

My Lentil Soup Hack

lentil soup www.realfoodblogger.com

Sometimes I just don't have the energy, desire, or time to wash, trim, and chop up vegetables for a homemade soup. Yet, I still want a nourishing bowl of soup that is homemade. This is a quick and easy hack to substitute for chopping veggies. Of course, I used my Instant Pot- as I always do- but you can use the stovetop too.

Friday, October 5, 2018

Beware of Organic Produce- Scary

Yesterday while shopping in the supermarket, I picked up the package of roasted chestnuts that I saw  was labeled USDA organic. As I continued to shop, I began to wonder which country my roasted chestnuts were from.- I was shocked when I read on the back that they were USDA organic from China. CHINA?????? 

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Braised Red Cabbage, Apple, and Walnut Side dish

www.realfoodblogger- red cabbage and apples

Looking for a simple but healthy fall side dish? 

I was craving red cabbage today and now that it is fall, I didn't feel like eating it raw.
I decided to make a simple side that was colorful, healthy and delicious.