Monday, July 2, 2018

Creamy Avocado Salad Dressing -Oil Free

avocado dressing

Avocados contain a significant amount of fat- healthy good fat- but still fat. When I decided to make this tasty creamy avocado salad dressing, I decided not add any additional oil.

summer salad and avocado dressing

 Forks Over Knives, Dr. Fuhrman, and other plant based doctors say getting your fat from food, not oil is a healthier choice. They recommend getting your fat from avocados, nuts, seeds, and olives.

halved avocado

This delicious creamy avocado vegan salad dressing adds lots flavor and depth to whatever salad you are eating.  I love it over any kind of greens.

salad and the fixings

The salad I ate today was composed of organic romaine lettuce, tomato, parsley, kale, cucumber, and red cabbage.

This salad dressing was made from red onion, avocado, baby spinach leaves, fresh lime juice, a little water and freshly cracked pepper all blended in a minute in my Nutri Bullet until smooth and creamy.

large bowl of salad with green dressing

What a powerhouse of vegetables and it was absolutely delicious! Next time I think I'll add some raw cashews to my salad or maybe the dressing!

Author: Judee Algazi @ Gluten Free A-Z Blog
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: None
Serves: 2

1/2 red onion
1/2 avocado
1 cup of young spinach
Juice of 1/2 lime or more
1/4 cup ( no more) of water
Cracked Pepper to taste
Optional: you could add 10 raw cashews to your dressing

Place all ingredients in the nutribullet or another small smoothie blender.
Whiz until creamy and well blended- serve over salad

Linking up with  Beth Fish's Weekend Cooking Series and Deb at Kahakai Kitchen for Souper Sunday


  1. What a great salad party! Very creamy and yummy :-)

    1. Yes and it also has some really good veggies in the salad dressing too

  2. What a wonderful dressing and I bet it's so good. Pinned your recipe and will try as soon as I get an avocado. Have a Happy 4th of July and be well.

    1. Nancy,
      I do appreciate that you pin my recipes - this dressing is really good

  3. This looks amazing! I just bought a bag of avocados, so I am going to try this.

    1. Pattie,
      Let me know if you try it-= you may like to add some olive oil to it.l

  4. I'm sure this dressing is absolutely delicious! I've used an avocado-based sauce for dipping before and it was fantastic. :-)


    1. It's a family favorite- but you can add some olive oil to it for even a richer taste

  5. Judee, this dressing looks absolutely delicious, and so healthy too. Thank you so much for sharing it with us at the Hearth and Soul Link Party. Have a lovely weekend!

  6. I love how creamy this dressing looks--so perfect for salad greens. Thanks for sharing with Souper Sundays this week! ;-)

  7. What a great avocado dip Judee, looks so yummy. Thanks again for sharing at Creative Mondays, you will be one of my featured blogs today :)

  8. We love avocados and have some on our salads today. They are so healthy!

  9. Wow! That Avocado dressing sounds delish and it makes perfect sense instead of oil. Can't wait to make it!


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