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Saturday, May 5, 2018

Spicy Lentil Soup - a favorite on Cinco De Mayo

I always try to come up with a recipe for Cinco de Mayo! This year I'm making a spicy salsa lentil soup that is easy, tasty, plant based, gluten free and healthy. Since I retired, "easy" is the main ingredient in my recipes.

I find that I am busier than ever. I walk 4 miles daily, read lots of books, attend lectures and shows, swim, play mah jong and Canasta, blog, and cook. My day is so full that I like to minimize the time I spend in the kitchen but I still like to try to eat healthy meals.

I buy this  salsa at Aldi- gluten free vegan, and organic

Adding a jar of mind, medium, or hot salsa to a basic lentil soup really jazzes it up, gives it a little bite and some additional flavor.

 Try adding a medium salsa to my Mexican Lentil Soup, my Easy Instant Pot Lentil Soup, or My Turkish Red Lentil. When the soup is finished, just add a jar of salsa and stir. Reheat to desired temperature and serve with your favorite topping like some Greek yogurt or avocado!

This post is also linked to Souper Sunday where anyone can share a soup, salad, or sammie recipe. Check out this week's recipes.

I love my Easy Lentil Soup that cooks in 16 minutes in my Instant pot!!! Such a time saver.
I use my Instant Pot about 3 times a week and it has made my life so much easier. Everyone who bought one love it!!  I use the 6 qt size which usually runs about $99 on Amazon.

Check it out: 

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  1. I love using salsa like that. It definitely makes so many recipes tastier, easier, and quicker to put on the table. I love how full your life is after retirement, Judee! Those are all signs of a great retirement. :-)



    1. I am all for easy and healthy- and I find that I like all the veggies in salsa

  2. I adore lentils and beans...this looks like a perfectly comforting and delicious soup for my lunch.

    1. Angie,
      I find lentils are very filling and make a good lunch--

  3. This sounds like a recipe that will work for you. Hope you try it

  4. I've never thought of using salsa like this, think hubby would love it! #keepingitreal

    1. I've been getting into thinking salsa for many recipes since we love tomatoes, onions and peppers.. It's a perfect match ..

  5. The flavor of your Spicy Lentil Soup will be fantastic! So glad you could join us on Full Plate Thursday and thanks so much for sharing with us. Hope you have a great week and a very Happy Mothers Day!
    Miz Helen

    1. Thank you and a very happy Mother's Day to you too Miz Helen

  6. What a great idea to add salsa to one of your already delicious soup recipes, Judee! It would make them even tastier, spicer and more nutritious! Thank you so much for sharing this post and for being a part of the Hearth and Soul Link Party. Hope to 'see' you again this week! Have a great week!

  7. That's a great tip - I bet you could do something similar with some homemade chutney too *heads off to count just how many jars of homemade chutney I have!* #keepingitreal

    1. Love the idea with chutney too.. extra spices and flavors that add to an existing soup

  8. I have added jarred salsa to bean soups but had not thought of adding it to lentil soup, Great idea and it looks delicious. Thanks for sharing it with Souper Sundays this week. ;-)


Your comments are appreciated. I love knowing who is stopping by to read my posts! Have a great day.