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Saturday, May 26, 2018

Best Roasted Carrot Hot Dogs

roasted carrot hot dog - vegan

It looks like a hot dog- but is it really  a roasted carrot ? 

Looking for a vegan and gluten free hot dog alternative for your next BBQ?
Well first look in your refrigerator for a bag of carrots. 

roasted whole carrots in a glass plate

Yes, marinated roasted whole carrots look like hot dogsand fit perfectly on a hot dog roll ( gluten free of course). Add some ketchup, mustard and even a little sauerkraut and you now have the star of the BBQ- 

Healthy, tasty, easy, gluten free and vegan!

patriotic napkin with roasted carrot hot dog

Easy Recipe
All you need to do is marinate some carrots in a roasting pan. Then roast until tender and serve.

The result really looks like hot dogs and they taste good.

My son and his family were visiting for dinner, and I made these cute little hot dogs ( along with a full meal) just to see their reaction.

two roasted carrot hot dogs in hot dog buns

Kid Approved

My two granddaughters ( ages 10 and 7) couldn't wait to taste them. We put them on a hot dog roll, added some sauerkraut ( which they both love) and they took their first bite.

Surprisingly they were both pleased! I asked the 10 year old if it tasted like a hot dog.
She gave me the rolled eyes and said , "No" - but then added it still tasted good and she liked it!

So there you have it for your next BBQ- If you have a vegetarian, vegan, or gluten free guest ( and who doesn't?) you don't have to run out and search for a vegan hot dog ( that is also gluten free for me) !!! Try these marinated carrots topped with sauerkraut, ketchup, or mustard. If you really want to be nice, open a can of black beans to serve on the side or make my incredibly delicious black beans in your Instant Pot. ( no soaking of beans and cooks at 45 minutes) 

I used Udi GLUTEN FREE Hot dog rolls which they stock in the freezer section of a local supermarket. I you can't find gluten free hot dog rolls, they sell other brands of gluten free hot dogs rolls on Amazon gluten free hot dog rolls .

8 organic carrots
1 tablespoon maple syrup or agave syrup
3-4 Tablespoons olive oil
1/2 teaspoon of smoky paprika
1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar
** I used a Pyrex pie plate to roast

Preheat oven to 425 degrees
Steam organic carrots for 10-15 minutes until they begin to be a little soft. While steaming-  mix the honey, olive oil, apple cider vinegar, and smoky paprika and place in a small pyrex roasting dish. Remove the carrots from the steamer ( do not over cook- just slightly soft)  and add hot whole carrots to the small roasting dish and mix well. Allow to sit for half hour and then cover and roast at 425 for 15 minutes. Remove cover (or foil) and roast another 5 minutes.

Happy Memorial Day- How will you be celebrating?? 

Sharing on Beth Fish Reads Weekend Cooking where anyone can share a food related post.

Disclaimer: I am an affiliate for Amazon. If you click on a link on my site that takes you to Amazon and make a purchase, I will receive a very small compensation at no cost to you. This affiliation helps me cover the costs of running a blog and I do appreciate your purchases !


  1. Looks very real :-) Can't get my husband to eat any cooked veggies (no problem with salad, just no cooked veggies), but I definitely love this idea.

    1. I love the idea and actually I love how it tastes- such fun

  2. What a cool idea! I would have NEVER thought of this. I'm bookmarking it for my friends and family who are vegetarian.

    1. Thanks Beth for passing it on- It is fun and unique and tastes good

  3. I've heard of these carrot dogs but have never seen a recipe before. I bet they're very tasty!


    1. Shirley,
      They are surprisingly good but taste nothing like a hot dog- its the mustard, sauerkraut, and bun that give it the hot dog taste

  4. Hee hee - mind bending stuff. Have a great week. Cheers from Carole's Chatter

    1. I got a kick out of too - but it does taste good!!

  5. HI Judee,
    What a unique idea to use carrots and it looks very tasty. I love grilled carrots. We will just stay home and as long as it not raining or having a thunderstorm will grill out. We will probably make grass fed organic beef hamburger & organic hot dogs that my husband likes. Might put a few carrot and other vegetables on and grill them too. Have a healthy, happy & blessed Memorial Day weekend. Shared on twitter, G+, and pinned.

    1. Marla,
      Thanks for stopping by - I love all the valuable information you share on your site.. The carrots are the perfect solution for a vegan- don't like messing with the soy stuff.. Have a great weekend- we've got rain since Saturday night

  6. OK - I gotta try this. I never really thought about it before but a roasted carrot does taste like a hot dog - and it's actually good for you! thanks for sharing at the What's for Dinner party. Hope you have a wonderful week!

    1. It's fun and tasty so why not- more vegetables less meat

  7. What a clever idea, it actually looks like a hot dog.

    1. Tina,
      it really does look like a hot dog and it was fun to serve and easy to make

  8. What a fantastic idea, Judee! I love roasted carrots, and with the toppings you can have all sorts of barbecue flavours. Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful idea with the Hearth and Soul Link Party. Have a lovely weekend!

    1. thank you April. I think it's actually the toppings that do it- ketchup, mustard and sauerkraut on anything might taste like a hot dog

  9. Hi Judee,
    I can't wait to try your Carrot Hot Dogs, they look delicious and what a great idea! Hope you are having a great week and thanks so much for sharing with us at Full Plate Thursday!
    Miz Helen

    1. Miz Helen,
      It could be perfect to try if you are having vegan guests

  10. Whoo Judee, these look so tasty. I could just eat one for breakfast :) Thanks for sharing at Creative Mondays. Hope you can join us again soon.

    1. Claire Justine,
      I actually did eat it for breakfast. I tend to eat leftovers for breakfast and well I had a few carrots leftover

  11. I have seen recipes for these and I'm glad to hear that they have a good 'hot-dog vibe!' ;-) Thanks for sharing them with Souper Sundays this week.

    1. I finally had a sandwich to share on Souper Sunday. Being gluten free, I don't eat a sandwich very often as the bread has lots of carbs and is mucho expensive

  12. I just read about this in a magazine. (Eating Well, I think). I really wanted to try it and you make a good argument for doing so!

    1. I tried it after seeing it online.. I saw it on TV news the same day I posted . I guess it's popular right now.

  13. What a great idea! Making note. Thanks so much for sharing at our To Grandma's House We Go DIY, Crafts, Recipes and More Link party! Pinned. Hope to see you next week!

  14. Made this by boiling carrots and then coating with seasoning. Will try your method for sure. Happy Sunday and stay safe and well.


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