Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree Star

My Wordless Wednesday Selection

Opposite Rockefeller Center in NYC is a Swarovski display with the information about the huge  Swarovksi crystal star the tops the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree each year

Quite interesting and spectacular

Swarovski Crystal Star for Rockefeller Center Tree

My mother was originally from Brooklyn and she worked in the city. Even though we moved to New Jersey, we visited the city for shopping, shows, and visiting relatives several times a year. At Christmas we always went to Rockefeller Center and Radio City Music Hall. 

Christmas bulbs in full bloom at a nearby hotel- Lotte Palace across from St. Patrick's Cathedaral 

Above the ice skating rink at Rockefeller Center NYC

Will be shared on shared on Beth Fish Reads Wordless Wednesday  
Wordless Wed on Tuesdays wordless on tuesday, 
image in ing, 
ClaireJustine linky 
West Metro Mommy  


  1. Did you know that this year's tree was from my area? It came from a neighboring town! Thanks for giving me a chance to see it.

    1. How interesting! are you in New Jersey. A few years ago it was from my area near Princeton nj

  2. I like the photos especially the crystal star :-)

    Have a seasonaltastic week :-)

  3. I've seen the Rockerfeller Center tree on TV for years but have never been in NY at Christmas to see it. Love the star.

  4. Lovely!! Like Carol, I've never been but plan to one day!

    1. It is worth the trip - NYC is in all its splendor before Christmas.

  5. That is incredible! I have always wanted to go to New York for thanksgiving or Christmas! Some day!

  6. My mother was originally from Brooklyn and she worked in the city. Even though we moved to New Jersey, we visited the city for shopping, shows, and visiting relatives several times a year. At Chritstmas we always went to Rockefeller Center.

  7. That is a gorgeous star. I always wondered how they could put such a beautiful and expensive ornament on an outside tree.

  8. Thanks. It's fun to see the star close up.

  9. Dear Judee,
    your shots are truly outstanding, thank you for sharing such Beauty !

    Thanking you heartily for the lovely comments you left on ~ My little old world ~ too - I sincerely appreciate every visit of yours - I'm sending my dearest hugs to you.

    XOXO Daniela at ~ My little old world ~ (Dany)

  10. a crystal star? A large one! Wonder what it looks like when it is dark.


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