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Friday, November 10, 2017

Kohlrabi - What is it ?

Are you familiar with kohlrabi?

Its a very tasty vegetable that is becoming an increasing popular. It's been eaten for years in Germany and  now its' available in most American supermarkets and  quite plentiful in the fall if you belong to a CSA farm.  It is so versatile that I use it in salads, soups, crudite, and side dishes. It is delicious but it's the health benefits that really keep me coming back for more kohlrabi!

What is Kohrabi?

Kohlrabi is a cruciferous vegetable in the same family as cauliflower, kale, broccoli, brussels sprouts, and cabbage sharing many of the same nutrients and phytochemicals that help nourish and fight disease. So, if you try to eat more kale, make room for kale's cousin- kohlrabi!

What are it's Nutritional Benefits? 

  • High in fiber
  • Low in fat 
  • High in vitamin C
  • Low in Net Carbs ( carbs per cup 8.3/fiber per cup 4.9)
  • High in disease protective phytochemicals
  • Potassium, B-6, calcium, phosphorus, folate

How Does it Taste? 

It tastes like a cross between a broccoli stem and jicama. Kind of juicy, crunchy and a slightly sweet.

Quick, Easy, and Healthy Recipe

I enjoy kohlrabi raw or cooked. Uncooked I like to grate it and add it to salads or cut it into sticks and use it for crudite. In addition, I've peeled and cut kohlrabi like I would a potato and added it to soup recipes.Kohlrabi and Red Lentil Soup

Why add it to your vegetable menu ?

Seasonal vegetables are great for your health. It is often said that it is important to eat local produce to get a boost for your immune system so get it from your CSA or local farmer's market.
Don't be afraid to try something new. It is available in most supermarkets ( it comes in purple and light green varieties which taste just about the same. It's so easy to add some to salad or a crudite platter.. 

How to Peel

Kohlrabi has a tough outer peel. I cut off the top and the bottom and then use a sharp vegetable peeler to peel the remainder. Make sure to take off all the tough skin. My favorite way to eat it is in this quick and easy slaw.

Juicy Kohlrabi Carrot Raisin Slaw in 5 minutes 

Kohlrabi and Red Lentil Soup

In searching the Internet I found these articles that explain more about the nutritional and great health benefits of kohlrabi. The first article by Dr. Axe explains how and why the nutrients in kohlrabi are disease fighters. The 2nd article gives some insight into how this vegetable helps with weight loss- just saying!!

Kohlrabi: A Disease Fighting Phytochemical Powerhouse 

Health Benefits of Eating Kohlrabi ( good article) 


  1. I LOVE kohrabi, actually one of my favourite winter veggies. Great for salads or soups!

    1. don't forget to check out my recipe for Carrot and Kohlrabi Slaw

  2. I remember my dad growing kohlrabi when I was a kid and have enjoyed them since. Thanks for this informative post, I appreciate it.

  3. This post is one of my features this week at WTJR, thanks for sharing with us Judee!


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