Sunday, November 19, 2017

Hate to Peel and Chop Garlic and Ginger? Try This

fresh garlic

Do you hate to peel and chop garlic and ginger? 

Do you ever reach for a piece of garlic or ginger for a recipe only to find out that it has completely dried out? I hate when that happens.

It's frustrating to need to stop your recipe and run to the store to get more or not make the recipe. Or perhaps your recipe just calls for a little bit of herb and you just don't want to buy a full bulb or bunch.

fresh ginger

Whether you do not like to chop or peel,  your garlic or ginger dries out, or you just don't have any in the house, I have found a really easy way to always make sure I have some fresh ginger, garlic, basil, parsley, and cilantro available for any recipe!

I have found an easier way that I love!!

I buy freshly frozen cube packages of herbs that keep in my freezer for at least 6 months. They are easy to use, take up very little room in the freezer, and are very convenient.
There is no peeling, grating, chopping, etc.
The frozen cubes are made up of 100% fresh herbs that have been blended and frozen.

I buy these convenient packages at Trader Joe's or most supermarkets.

Dorot brand garlic

The brand I have found ( I think there are other brands too) is called Dorot. The price of the cubes ranges from $1.99 -$3.99 depending where you purchase. I have found Trader Joe's is the most reasonable.

small cubes of garlic and ginger

The frozen herb cubes are available in ginger , parsley, garlic, basil, cilantro, etc.  If you turn the package over, it looks like 20 little ice cubes. You can pop one or two out to use in a recipe and then return to the package to freezer for future use!

I love the ease and taste of this 100 % no additive pure product. It can be used in almost any recipe that calls for fresh garlic, ginger, cilantro or basil. I love it..and what a time saver!!!Note: you must keep it frozen at all times for the cubes to pop out.

I love to use these cubes in my easy Asian Broccoli Crowd Pleaser Recipe

Buy the garlic and ginger cubes ready made for ease or

How to make your own basil, parsley, or cilantro cubes

You will have to use a mini ice cube tray -
I've used this one Silicone Ice Cube Trays BPA Free  or
this one Mini Ice Cube Trays with Flexible Silicone Bottom For Easy Release Pop out | Set Of 3 Ice Molds BPA Free

The object is you want the cubes to be small and pop out easily- both of these are BPA free.

fresh growing herbs of chives, basil , parsley

During the season when herbs are prolific , parsley, cilantro, chives and basil are economical to freeze in this manner.  You want the consistency to come out like pesto or actually you can freeze your favorite pesto recipe for a delicious use for basil in other recipes.

basil and spinach pesto

2 cups of basil, parsley,  or cilantro
4 Tablespoons of water ( or a little more if needed- you want it to be thick)

Blend to thick consistency like a pesto
Freeze in cube tray
Pop out as needed in recipes - no need to defrost to use in recipes

Garlic and ginger are similar but you need quite a quantity of each. 
That is why I just buy the garlic and ginger - it is easier and I believe ends up costing much less.

Disclaimer: I was not asked to evaluate Dorot frozen herb cubes- I use them, like them, and just wanted to share. I have no affiliation to Dorot company.

This post does contain Amazon affiliate links. If you click on an Amazon link and make a purchase, I will receive a very small compensation at no cost to you. Like most bloggers these Amazon links help to defray the cost of running a blog. Thank you for your support.


  1. Wonderful! Gotta try that with fresh herbs.

    1. Yes, It's a great way to preserve them and have them for future use

  2. I didn't know you could purchase frozen garlic and basil like that. I'm already in the habit of freezing ginger but not garlic or basil yet. Thanks for sharing, Judee.


    1. They are real time savers- no need to peel, chop, etc. Just pop the little cubes into the pan

  3. Great tips. I love having homemade pesto in the freezer. It is so good on pizza or chicken.

  4. I hate the way my hands smell after peeling garlic. Now ginger I am all in.

  5. Wonderful! Thanks for sharing! I use ginger in my carrot soup :)

  6. Not sure if we can buy those frozen herbs here in the UK. But I'm going to look now.

  7. Thanks for the tip with fresh herbs. We love basil and use them a lot.

  8. What a fabulous time saver, Judee! I love the pesto recipe too. Thank you so much for being a part of the Hearth and Soul Link Party!


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