Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Wordless Wednesday- Washington Crossing Historic Park


This is the Delaware River where George Washington crossed to New Jersey for
The Battle of Trenton in 1776. It was Christmas Eve and the Delaware River
was frozen at that time.

Famous photo of George Washington crossing the Delaware to the
Battle of  Trenton in 1776
                        One of the Houses where George Washington resided River est 1776

Bucks County is one of the most beautiful areas on the East coast. It's also a historic area.

The town of Washington Crossing, Pa. is where George Washington crossed the Delaware River to go into the town of Trenton to fight the Hessians. It was one of the important battles that helped the colonies win their independence from Britain during the War of Independence.

Today was a beautiful day. We had  lunch at the Washington Crossing Inn located on the bank of the Delaware River

After lunch, we walked around and I took some photos. .

Blacksmith's house

Sign for the Washington Crossing Inn where we had lunch in the historic town 

Steel bridge rebuilt in 1905 after wooden brush was washed out
Since it was built in 1905, it is very narrow and many drivers hold their breath when they drive across
Madelyn if you are reading this you may remember driving over this bridge...
Washington Crossing, Pa  to New Jersey ( Trenton)

Sharedon  Wordless Wednesday at Beth Fish Reads
Wordless Wed on Tuesdays wordless on tuesday http://thesimpleyear.com/, image in ing, 
ClaireJustine linky  and Saturday snapshot hosted by West Metro Mommy  Create with Joy bethere2day nanahood

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  1. I enjoyed all the photos thanks for the lovely tour :-)

    Have a tanfastic week :-)

    1. Thank you Steve and thanks for stopping by and commenting. Glad you enjoyed the photos of beautiful Bucks County

  2. I'd love to visit this area with so much beauty and history. Thanks for the little tour.

    1. Carol,
      It is a beautiful area as is the area that you live in Florida. So nice we can all share

  3. I'd forgotten about this place - have visited it as a child. A beautiful setting as I recall. Thanks for the refresher course! And thanks for linking up at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2017/10/blacksmiths-at-work.html

    1. Sue,
      It is a beautiful area especially in the fall when it's cool and colorful.

  4. Thanks for sharing Judee. The pictures are amazing. Have a wonderful day. Nancy Andres @ www.colors4health.com

    1. Nancy,
      So glad that you enjoyed the shots of my area and thanks for stopping by and commenting

  5. I love that area! It's beautiful and full of such history.

    1. Beth,
      That is true that we are so full of history. At Christmas time, they re enact the crossing of the Delaware in full costume... lot's of fun with hot chocolate - ( if it ever becomes cool here - our fall has been in the 80's instead of the 50's )

  6. Oh beautiful!! I love historic sites like that. We actually lived not too far south of there for a couple years, but that was one site I never had the chance to visit.

    1. Yes,
      I think sometimes we forget about the things that are nearby and tend to plan trips

  7. Wow, so cool. I would love to visit this park. It looks beautiful and so much history. Thanks for sharing.

  8. It is very interesting and they give a tour George Washington's house and his food cellar which was like a huge pit in the ground..

  9. Thanks most sincerely for the lovely comment you left on ~ My little old world ~, I sincerely appreciate it !
    You also have such a beautiful blog, that's why I decided to follow you with much joy !

    Sending blessings across the many miles

    XOXO Daniela

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words too. I am so glad to meet you and get to know each other's blogs. Have a wonderful week

  10. That would be a great place to visit, i've never had the pleasure yet. Maybe someday.

    1. It is a small old town but worth the visit amidst the Washington Crossing state park!

  11. A very interesting post; thank you!

    Greetings, Joana

    1. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I appreciate your support

  12. A nice bit of history, I love these types of tours. Pretty shot of the Delaware.

    1. Thank you Jeanna,
      It is a nice bit of history right here in my back yard! There is also the State Park

  13. I love seeing different bits of history. My favorite is when I see it in person but on someone's blog is the next best thing.

    1. I agree- I love some vicarious living through other people's blogs when I haven't been there myself. Thanks for stopping by each week

  14. Judee,

    Thanks for joining my not-so WW linky party this week. I'm sorry for the slow visit but you know how life goes sometimes, right? Anywho, I really loved this photo series! What a magnificent, historical spot to visit and photograph!! I'd love to see this place and to capture it. There's something magical and special about seeing places where great figures once walked. Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend! ;)

    1. Yes,
      It is only half hour from where I live and we take all of our guests there when they visit from out of town.

  15. That would be such a quaint place to visit, especially now with fall in full swing.


Your comments are appreciated. I love knowing who is stopping by to read my posts! Have a great day.