Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Halloween Crudite and Dip

Pumpkin Face Appetizer http://www.glutenfreematters.com

I saw this Halloween Crudite and dip on Pinterest a few years ago. Although I thought it was really cute, I never attempted to make it - until tonight.

We are going to my son and daughter in laws house for Halloween dinner and my daughter in law asked me to bring a salad and dressing. Although I'm also bringing a salad, I decided to also make the crudite and dip because I always wanted to try it!

It was easy to make , a delight to look at, and healthy to eat! 

I used lebaneh and humus for the dips- 

Halloween Pumpkin Face Appetizer http://www.glutenfreematters.com

Happy Halloween!
I used 2 bags of baby carrots, a handful of parsley for the stem. 6 cherry tomatoes for the mouth- and 3 small bowls for the dips. 
Dips: Humus
Dips: Greek Yogurt 


  1. love how cute you made this display thanks for sharing
    come see us at http://shopannies.blogspot.com

  2. I think my carrots might have been too fat for this recipe- but I couldn't control that- I will be over to visit you...


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