Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Halloween Crudite and Dip

Pumpkin Face Appetizer http://www.glutenfreematters.com

I saw this Halloween Crudite and dip on Pinterest a few years ago. Although I thought it was really cute, I never attempted to make it - until tonight.

We are going to my son and daughter in laws house for Halloween dinner and my daughter in law asked me to bring a salad and dressing. Although I'm also bringing a salad, I decided to also make the crudite and dip because I always wanted to try it!

It was easy to make , a delight to look at, and healthy to eat! 

I used lebaneh and humus for the dips- 

Halloween Pumpkin Face Appetizer http://www.glutenfreematters.com

Happy Halloween!
I used 2 bags of baby carrots, a handful of parsley for the stem. 6 cherry tomatoes for the mouth- and 3 small bowls for the dips. 
Dips: Humus
Dips: Greek Yogurt 

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Herbal Teas- The Perfect Bone Strengthener ?

I wanted to add more bone building and strengthening vitamins and minerals to my diet . I was reading some articles that suggested infusing herbal teas is a great way to do it. 
Herbal teas are made from nutritive herbs that have pleasant tastes and are easy to make.

You are probably most familiar with herbs like chamomile, peppermint, and hibiscus which are commonly found in commercially sold tea bags, but herbs like dandelion, nettle and oat straw are less familiar and usually need to be ordered on line or purchased in some health food stores .

These wonderful herbal teas come in bulk and are prepared by making an infusion.
Infusing tea is as simple as boiling water, adding the tea and allowing it to steep for a specified amount of time. Generally an hour or longer.

It seems that the vitamins and the minerals that are stored in the roots and leaves of the herb have traditionally been used for centuries by herbalists who suggest remedies to their clients for the medicinal and nutritive benefits.

This formula is known as a bone building formula  because herbs like nettle and dandelion, oatstraw, and horsetail are rich in calcium, magnesium, and other nutrients needed for bone building or mending. Also for hair, teeth, nails.

Bone building Herbal Teas

These are the main nutrients found in each herb, but they also contain other nutrients in lesser amounts plus trace nutrients
***Oatstraw- rich in calcium and magnesium ( oatstraw is not gluten free unless labeled certified gluten free)
Nettle leaf- Vit C and D , Calcium Magnesium and zinc
Dandelion leaf- rich in Vit A , C, and D and iron, zinc, and magnesium
Horsetail- contains silicon which is necessary for good bone density
Stevia leaf tea- a natural herb that adds a sweet taste without affecting blood sugar levels and also contains vitamins and minerals. This is not the powder- this is the actual leaf cut up.

The herbs are often sold in bulk and are dried and cut so they are ready to use for tea. I like making tea because I find it easily digestible making it perfect for me with celiac. ( however, I would never try something new without checking with your medical doctor first especially if you are taking medications)

Recipe for Bone Building Tea Infusion

I like to make my tea infusions in a mason jar. Caution: I Make sure to rinse the jar with warm water first ( so I don't add boiling water to a cold jar) and place a metal spoon to help distribute heat in the jar before adding the boiling water. I cover loosely, but never seal the with its lid ( I use a different cover)

1. Mix together 1 tablepsoon of each herb (  nettle, dandelion, and horsetail ) and add to mason jar.
2. cover with 8 cups  of boiling water ( I let the boiling water cool for a few minutes)
3. Cover and steep for 4 hours or overnight is best.
4. Strain and Drink 3-4 cups daily ( refrigerate to store for up to 3 days)

If you prefer using tea bags: I would only use only when traveling-bc there are only small amounts in each bagNettle leaf tea bag

***Please note that Nettle leaf and Stinging Nettle leaf are the same product ( they use the name interchangeably)

I read more ideas on how to use tea for bone building on Susan Weed  who is an herbalist who teaches about using tea for nutrition. I recently listened to a lecture and she said it is best to steep your tea separately like a container of nettle and a container of horsetail. She also recommends red clover tea .

Read the reviews on Amazon of the benefits people share 
If you read the reviews on Amazon by individuals using these products, they will help you understand how beneficial nutritive herbal teas are. In addition to helping build and mend bone growth, the nutrients in these teas ( and other teas) people are using them for  allergies, edema, hair, nails, joint pain, muscle pain and more -

I am not an expert- I am just starting to use nutritive herbal teas- so I will keep you posted on the results and benefits. I'm looking to strengthen my nails, bring more vitality to my hair, and strengthen my bones - I will let you know as soon as I see ( or don't see) results.

Nettle leaf Tea:

Dandelion Leaf Tea:

Horsetail :

*** my good friend Laura and Co- Author of Food No Matter What is an expert on making herbal tea infusions. She suggested to me that I grind ( not to a powder) the loose tea in a coffee grinder before infusing. ( I believe it is to make the tea stretch further) Laura correct me if I am wrong! - gotta give Laura a plug for her newest book which is an actually an exciting time travel book

Frontier Natural Products Organic Horsetail Herb (Shavegrass) Cut and Sifted -- 16 oz

Frontier Stinging Nettle Leaf - Cut & Sifted - Organic - 16 Ounces

Dandelion Leaf Cut & Sifted Organic - 1 lb,(Frontier)

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor and I am not trying to diagnose or treat disease. The information in this post and on my blog are strictly for educational purposes. I am sharing what I am doing. Always consult your doctor before taking herbs or making any changes in your diet especially if you are taking medication. Herbs can interfere with medicine- so check with your doctor before trying any herbal tea.

I'm sharing this post on Weekend Cooking at  Beth Fish Reads where anyone can share a food related post!

I am an affiliate for Amazon and like most bloggers will receive a very small compensation from Amazon if you click on a link from my blog and make a purchase. It helps me defray the cost of running a blog. ( this does not affect your cost in any way) I appreciate your support- thanks

Food No Matter What! Stories & Recipes for Perfect Dining in an Imperfect World

The Summerman Time Travel Matchmaking Agency - Book One: Open for Business

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Wordless Wednesday- Washington Crossing Historic Park


This is the Delaware River where George Washington crossed to New Jersey for
The Battle of Trenton in 1776. It was Christmas Eve and the Delaware River
was frozen at that time.

Famous photo of George Washington crossing the Delaware to the
Battle of  Trenton in 1776
                        One of the Houses where George Washington resided River est 1776

Bucks County is one of the most beautiful areas on the East coast. It's also a historic area.

The town of Washington Crossing, Pa. is where George Washington crossed the Delaware River to go into the town of Trenton to fight the Hessians. It was one of the important battles that helped the colonies win their independence from Britain during the War of Independence.

Today was a beautiful day. We had  lunch at the Washington Crossing Inn located on the bank of the Delaware River

After lunch, we walked around and I took some photos. .

Blacksmith's house

Sign for the Washington Crossing Inn where we had lunch in the historic town 

Steel bridge rebuilt in 1905 after wooden brush was washed out
Since it was built in 1905, it is very narrow and many drivers hold their breath when they drive across
Madelyn if you are reading this you may remember driving over this bridge...
Washington Crossing, Pa  to New Jersey ( Trenton)

Sharedon  Wordless Wednesday at Beth Fish Reads
Wordless Wed on Tuesdays wordless on tuesday http://thesimpleyear.com/, image in ing, 
ClaireJustine linky  and Saturday snapshot hosted by West Metro Mommy  Create with Joy bethere2day nanahood

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Bad Cold: Good Hack

I've had a Bad cold for the past 6 days and have been going through tissues like crazy. BUT I found a great hack on Pinterest.

I stationed myself in my personal "office" at home to keep the germs confined to one area as much as possible.

The room is entirely mine and houses my computer in front of two bright windows,  a large comfy sofa, a cozy upholstered chair near the window, my supply of essential oils, and my essential oil diffuser. 

To date, I've gone through 2 and half boxes of tissues, taken my temperature excessively, drank liters of herbal teas, applied Thieves Essential oil to my feet , chest, and diffuser and been combing Pinterest mindlessly and obsessively and eaten lots of homemade broths and soup. 

I made this soup in 10 minutes

 I was on Pinterest early this morning and found a good hack for when you have a bad cold

Here is The Hack I Learned From Pinterest

This is a cool hack for disposing dirty tissues when sick. It helps stop the spread of germs and is economical and planet conscious.

 Use an empty tissue box for your dirty tissues instead of a plastic bag or garbage can. No one including yourself will have to empty the germ-y garbage. When the empty tissue box is full of dirty tissues- just discard! AND if you grab a tissue- you know just where to dispose of it!!

What do you do when you have a cold? Do you stay in one room or do you go about business?
I like to confine myself and my germs; my husband doesn't.. It's a big problem..
What do you do ?/

Don't forget to leave me a comment...

Pumpkin Chocolate Pudding Mousse

Want to satisfy your sweet tooth without any refined sugars? Do you love rich dark chocolate and creamy spicy pumpkin? This delicious ( gluten free and vegan) pudding/ mousse contains both!!

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Roasted Acorn Squash and Pear Soup

Fall has officially begun, so I say bring on all the wonderful fall produce!! 

You will love this flavorful soup made with roasted acorn squash and sweet yellow Bartlett pears. 

Friday, October 13, 2017

Quick Root Vegetable Soup

I love this homemade soup recipe because it is fast and easy, nourishing and tastes delicious.  Root vegetables like carrots, onions, and potatoes make a simple but flavorful soup that feels warming and soothing no matter when you eat it.   

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Wordless Wednesday - Chestnut Trees and Chestnuts

Remember the song, Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire
Well I found a walkway with a row of prolific chestnut trees lining the side of a main street about15 minutes from my house.

How I found the chestnut trees.
My car wasn't working today,  so I had to walk to an appointment two miles away. 

I walked through a street that was tree lined with chestnut trees!! 
I wasn't sure what kind of trees they were at first.

Monday, October 9, 2017

Tarnish gone is seconds with this tip

Tarnish is gone from silver  in seconds with this  common household product! I will never buy silver polish again!

Have you ever set the table for a dinner party or a holiday and realized that your silver has some tarnish spots and you were out of silver polish? Try this

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Monday, October 2, 2017

Gluten Free Banana Cinnamon Bread

You can make this delicious flowerless banana bread by hand in just a half hour which included the baking time! 
Gluten free baking just got healthier and easier!