Saturday, July 1, 2017

Fruit Infused Vitamin Water - Rejuvenate and Relax

Fruit infused vitamin water makes a lovely presentation and what could be more rejuvenating than a beautiful glass container filled with icy cold fresh fruit flavored water using colorful raspberries, blueberries, or strawberries to quench your thirst?

This low calorie no sugar added drink is sure to delight your tastebuds and your guest's tastebuds on a hot humid day. The vitamins that are infused from the fruit and herbs into the water give you a little added lift. 

What is the Idea Behind Vitamin Water? 

Vitamin water is created when a fruit, vegetable, herb is placed in a container of water and allowed to sit to infuse for about 4-5 hours. During that time vitamins from the fruit, vegetable, or herb infuse into the water. Why? Fruits and vegetables are water soluble which means that the vitamins leach into the water. Why buy commercially prepared vitamin water (that has additives, sugar, and is expensive) when it is so easy to make at fresh vitamin water from organic fruit at home.

The first time that I had fruit infused vitamin water was at a luxury Spa in the Riviera Maya in Mexico. Spa Palace was a serene, beautiful, and healing space.  It offered a full itinerary of spa services and catered to pampering its guests. 

They kept large pitchers filled with water, strawberries, and mint in the spa lounge. It tasted divine and they explained that it was important to hydrate before and after a massage.

Prefer Not to Mix The Fruit Into Your Water? 

If you prefer not to eat the fruit, I use a special pitcher   Fruit Infusion Flavor Pitcher that has a tube to keep the fruit from floating into the water so you can just enjoy the flavor and vitamins but not have to deal with the fruit. 

The one I use is BPA free,  shatterproof, and can be used outdoors without fear of breaking the  Fruit Infusion Flavor Pitcher. It separates the fruit from being in the water

What do you do? 

Spas serve fresh vitamin water for vitality and rejuvenation

Other More Savory Ideas:

Don't like fruit?  There are a variety of more savory flavor combinations that you can use to create your own special infused water based on your own preferences. The possibilities are endless.
  •  fresh mint 
  •  fresh basil 
  •  lemon slices
  •  lime slices
  •  fresh ginger
  •  cucumber slices 

How about cucumber slices and mint? : 
cucumber has a mild delicious flavor that is cooling and refreshing. Make it alone or add mint. 

How a sparkling water mojito?

My Favorite Vitamin Water Mojito: 

Lime, mint, stevia and plain water- infuse in the refrigerator for 4-5 hours. Add crushed ice and sparkling water upon serving.

Patriotic Colors for July 4th Celebrations

I love this idea of using red and blue berries for the 4th of July weekend celebrations. 
The colors are patriotic and look so festive.  
Choose from strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, raspberries and even sneak in watermelon balls. 

How about kiwi, blackberries, and lime? 

Peel the kiwi and the lime- slice add blackberries to a pitcher  - place in the refrigerator for 5 hours - Add sparkling water or crushed ice when serving

Don't forget about blueberries. It's blueberry season. I freeze batches to use in drinks. 

Cut blueberries in half add to a pitcher of water / allow to infuse in the refrigerator fo 5 hours

The combinations are limitless and all up to your imagination and personal taste. 
  1. Use organic fruit- why soak pesticides into your water? 
  2. Cut berries, grapes, and in half
  3. Peel all citrus and kiwi
  4. Always keep a pitcher or Mason jar filled in the Refrigerator to reach for when thirsty

Decorative Lids for Mason Jars

You can purchase decorative mason jar lids for serving. 
These cute lids can be festive for a party. I use  COSMOS 8 Pcs 4 Different Colors Decorative Mason Jars Lids with Straw Hole for Mason Jars Canning Drinking JarsThey are reasonable and fun. 

In addition, they keep your mason jar covered so you can take it outside to protect from dirt or bugs flying into your drink.

This post was shared on Beth Fish Reads ( weekend linky) 

Disclaimer:  I am an affiliate for Amazon, which means that if you click on a link from my blog and make a qualified purchase, I will receive a small compensation at no cost to you. This helps me defray the cost of running a blog. I really appreciate your support.

COSMOS 8 Pcs 4 Different Colors Decorative Mason Jars Lids with Straw Hole for Mason Jars Canning Drinking Jars


  1. I love this! I went to the Bahamas over the winter and they had pictures of fruit infused water everywhere and I've. Even hooked ever since!

    1. Patrick,
      I love the way a glass looks with fresh fruit or herbs. I got started in Mexico at a spa! They served fruit infused water and I loved it. Thanks for stopping by and commenting

  2. We have done some of this... and it was wonderful! Thank you for the reminder... we need to do this again... and that pitcher would be great for these drinks!

    1. That is how I am too. I do something , get the benefit and slowly forget about it. Hope you get back into making your vitamin water.

  3. These drinks sound so refreshing. Perfect for summer.

    1. Thanks Beth- I agree they are so refreshing and there is no better time than summer when fresh fruit is abundant to enjoy these drinks. I appreciate your comments .

  4. I love putting lemons in my water. This is very healthy and thanks for sharing this at Cooking and Crafting with J&J.

    1. Julie,
      I too love lemons or lime in my water. I have learned to take off the peel so it doesn't taste too bitter.

  5. All these are great ideas!

    I would love for you to share this with my Facebook Group for recipes, crafts, tips, and tricks:

    Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!

    1. Jess,
      Thanks for the invite. I will come over and share it..

  6. Great reminders and beautiful pictures and ideas! One thing I've found to add to my fruit infused waters is a splash of raw apple cider vinegar---it helps extract even more of the vitamin/mineral content of the fruits! You will taste a bit of the vinegar, though---however, you'll be getting the health benefits from the vinegar too!

    1. Heidi,
      I absolutely love your idea to add raw apple cider vinegar to the water to help extract even more vitamin and mineral content.. brilliant- will do..,

  7. Your photos are so beautiful and inviting. These waters look so delicious and refreshing. I have a fruit bin full of citrus that I am slicing this afternoon for infusion. I also have cucumber and a pot of mint growing. Lovely post!

    1. Infusing water is such a great way to get extra vitamins and minerals, especially in this hot weather when it's so important to hydrate. Thanks for your kind words about the photos

  8. I love all you wonderful ideas on fruit infused water. I use fresh peppermint leaves from my garden and keep a half gallon of peppermint ice-water in my fridge with for a quite pick me up and drown my thirst. Visiting from #WasteLessWednesday Pinned & tweeted. Have a healthy, happy & blessed day.

    1. Marla,
      I love fresh peppermint and we used to have a large wonderful patch for over 20 years. Two years ago I noticed that poison ivy had started to grow with it and we just couldn't seem to get rid of it. Thus - we got rid of the mint and the poison ivy. We really miss it!

  9. Hi Judee,
    I pinned your beautiful waters! Thanks so much for sharing with us at Full Plate Thursday, have a great weekend and come back soon!
    Miz Helen

  10. I love water, but don't infuse things into it as much as I should. I love the flavor! Thanks for some delicious recipes and for sharing on the #WasteLessWednesday blog hop!



    5 Things You Can Do Now to Stop Worrying and Become Happier from organic4greenlivings



    Hi Judee,
    I love to start my day with lemon infused water, so I can't wait to try infusing with other fruits and vegetables as well. Thank you for sharing these wonderful ways to rejuvenate with Fruit Infused Vitamin Waterat the Healthy Happy Green and Natural Party Blog Hop. I'm pinning and sharing.

    1. Deborah,
      Lemon water is a wonderful alkalizing way to start the day. Later in the day you can enjoy other fruits for additional vitamins

  12. I love all these fresh, tasty ideas for staying hydrated, Judee! Homemade vitamin water is so much better than store bought. Sharing on Twitter later today. Thank you so much for being a part of Hearth and Soul. Hope to 'see' you again this week!

  13. Congrats Judee! Your post is Featured at the #WednesdayAIMLinkParty. See here:

    1. Wow! I so appreciate the feature. I'm new to your linky party but I have been enjoying it the last few weeks.

  14. I love fruit infused water! Like you said, pretty and delicious!! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

    1. Jann,
      Thanks for stopping by and commenting. You are so right , it does make a pretty presentation and has a light lovely taste.

  15. Hi Judee,
    Since I already commented before on your great refreshing drink ideas I'll just say Congratulations for being featured on #WasteLessWednesday ! Have a healthy, happy & blessed day!


Your comments are appreciated. I love knowing who is stopping by to read my posts! Have a great day.