Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Alert: GMO Free Cheerios Test Positive for Round Up Weed Killer

GMO-Free Cheerios Test Positive for Monsanto’s Roundup Herbicide 

Do your kids eat cheerios? Can you believe this?
If things were not upsetting enough with Monsanto and our food supply, recent testing found that Cheerios-

a children's breakfast GMO free cereal had the highest amounts of weed killer of the products tested.

Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream indicated too: 

In addition, the NY Times published an article a few days ago about Ben and Jerry's ice cream. Ten of their flavors were found to have residues of Monsanto's weedkiller  in 10 samples of their ice cream

There were other products too that showed residues of the weed killer that has now being questioned in California EPA because of its known cancer causing effects. 

Goldfish Crackers also tested positive: 

  • Original Goldfish crackers  – 18.40 parts per billion
  • Goldfish crackers colors – 8.02 parts per billion
  • Goldfish crackers whole grain – 24.58 parts per billion
Whole Foods 365 Round Crackers had residue as well:

The greatest concentrations seemed to be in cereal, crackers, and cookies. Mostly in wheat, oat, and grain products- even GMO free products.
see article "Dangerous Levels" posted below for more info 

Is residue of weed killer harmful in our food products?

California is the first state to take a stand !
California EPA Moves to Label Round Up ( weed Killer)  as Carcinogenic

"An FDA-registered food safety lab recently conducted testing on common foods and their results were nothing short of alarming. The lab found high levels of a chemical known as glyphosate in several popular foods. If glyphosate sounds familiar, it may be because you know this chemical as Monsanto’s Roundup weed-killer. Test results indicated that these foods have over 1,000 times the glyphosate levels that are considered to be harmful."
Quoted from the article: Dangerous Levels Of Glyphosate Found In These 9 Food Brands!


Are you aware of these findings? What type of cereal and grains are you eating? Even organic has had traces.Please leave a comment


  1. I detest General Mills Cheerios (and Lucky Charms) because they are not truly gluten free due to their mechanically separated/sorted oats which contain gluten because they can't adequately "sort" out all the gluten and their testing methods average "samples" to get less than 20 ppm. That means that some samples that gf consumers are consuming are 20 ppm and above. Gluten considerations aside and looking to the topic of your post--Roundup and glyphosates--I can find nothing in the article you linked to about Cheerios or even General Mills, Judee. Did you perhaps provide the wrong link?


  2. Yes - I linked the wrong post... thanks Shirley.. I fixed it...

  3. Good old glyphosate! I got into a lengthy back-and-forth on Twitter with some UK farmers, new to the chemical, who were gung-ho about it.

    1. Jean,
      Isn't that so scary.Monsanto does quite a job selling it..

  4. Thanks for sharing this important information with us at #BloggersPitStop. You can't always go by the labels on packaging and now the hidden dangers such as weed killer. Everyone should read your post.

    1. It really is a concern. It's hard to know what is healthy and what is not. My mother in law has always said moderation of all things. Eat from a cross section and don't repeat the same food over and over again.

  5. What corporate amaerica is doing to the food supply is truly abhorrent! Back in my grandparents day, food was organiz (unknowingly) because Monsanto didn't spray the c$$p out of everything. It is truly frightening to see what is happening. Thank you for this article. Good bye cheerios, forever! Ugh... #BloggersPitStop

  6. One of my neighbors was telling me this. I could not believe it!! Thanks for sharing this important info with SYC.

    1. I wish it were not true as so many children love cheerios

  7. This is I wish I could grow all of my own food! I love cheerios. Thanks for sharing at #BloggingGrandmothersLinkParty. I have shared on social media.

    1. I know. It is very disappointing what are food supply is exposed to,

  8. We all need to be more aware of just what it is we are eating!
    Thanks for sharing at #BloggingGrandmothersLinkParty

    1. I agree. That is why I felt compelled to share this important information,

  9. That all sounds very disturbing! Thank you for linking up at #BloggingGrandmothersLinkParty. I’m sharing your link on social media.
    Carol (“Mimi”) from Home with Mimi

    1. I felt upset by the information as well, especially since it is GMO free and a very popular cereal

  10. Good to know this important info for us and our grandbabies about Cheerios and Goldfish! The multi grain is my fav cereal. Thank you Judee for linking up at the #BloggingGrandmothersLinkParty. I shared your post on Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, and Twitter.

    1. I know.. it is quite disturbing. Hope you find a good alternative

  11. That is really shocking and alarming! It's difficult in this day and age, but we all need to try and eat food with only one ingredient; itself! Thanks for sharing this info at the #BloggingGrandmotherLinkParty! I've shared this on social media.

    1. Sorry to be the harbinger of bad news. It's amazing they even tested it.

  12. Thanks for sharing this important info! By coincidence, just purchased some WF Round Crackers last week. Yikes.

  13. Well yikes! I have a box of Cheerios in my pantry. Really disturbing but thanks for sharing.

  14. This is despicable. There is no reason for this. However corporate America does what is best for them, without any concerns for the consumer.

  15. Thank you for sharing with WTJR, this post is one of my featured for next week. This problem has not gotten any better since this was originally published and often the info newly learned fades in our memory.


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